New mobile phone ruling for drivers


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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From today anyone caught driving while using a mobile will get a £60 fine AND 3 points on their licence.

GOOD it really annoys me when I see someone doing it!
yeah i have seen more people using their mobiles whilst driving lately than ever before!!!

when someone rings me and i am driving all i do is press to answer it and put it on my lap or on the passenger seat and put it on loud and speak that way i NEVER speak with it to my ear!!
Good I hope they really do enforce the law! People talking on mobiles while driving is one of my pet hates.
MissGobby said:
yeah i have seen more people using their mobiles whilst driving lately than ever before!!!

when someone rings me and i am driving all i do is press to answer it and put it on my lap or on the passenger seat and put it on loud and speak that way i NEVER speak with it to my ear!!

Be careful doing this...just so you know... my OH got a £30 fine about 6 months ago FOR USING HIS HANDSFREE! Because he had to push a button on the phone the police told him he was still breaking the law, he had an ear piece in and everything!
GOOD!! I think its the points that will deter people from doing it more than the drives me mad seeing people on their phones at the wheel.
Good! it causes so many accidents! But to fine someone for using their handsfree!!! thats what they are for :shock: :roll:
They're thinking about banning hands free kits too arent they? :think:

Im sure I heard something like that on the news :?
They were saying on the news that using a handheld mobile reduces concentration by 30% and your 4 times more likely to cause an accident, and that its more dangerous than drink driving!!!!

Thats seriously scary.

We're just waiting for our new in-car system to arrive but thats only really for long journeys, one that rings over the speakers and then you voice activate it to answer and call someone, no hands needed!

I also heard a little while ago that someone who is using a handheld and causes a death on the road can be convicted of manslaughter instead of death by dangerous driving, has anyone else heard this?

I think that people need to remember that when driving they are in control of a huge hunk of metal travelling at speeds that can kill and not even 100% concentration garuantees 100% safety because there are always idiots on the road somewhere, why would you want to lessen your concentration?
urchin said:
MissGobby said:
yeah i have seen more people using their mobiles whilst driving lately than ever before!!!

when someone rings me and i am driving all i do is press to answer it and put it on my lap or on the passenger seat and put it on loud and speak that way i NEVER speak with it to my ear!!

Be careful doing this...just so you know... my OH got a £30 fine about 6 months ago FOR USING HIS HANDSFREE! Because he had to push a button on the phone the police told him he was still breaking the law, he had an ear piece in and everything!

ohh :shock: must try and break that habit then lol - thanks urchin :D
I do hope they inforce it! ive heard countless stories of people having accidents becuase they are on the phone.

Next they will ban passengers becuase they distract drivers. a bloke i work with had a woman smash into his car because her dog jumped on her lap. :wall:

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