So Iv been reading through some of the posts for a while now and thought Id join and share my experiences so far. Forgive me cause i dont know all of the abbreviations that people use on here. So weve been ttc since getting married back in September with no joy so far. Iv been using the Ovia app to track periods/daily symptoms which somehow gives me something to focus on daily. Month by month my period comes and disappointment sets in. I keep reading how on average it takes couples on average 6 months or more to get pregnant yet surrounding me I have people getting pregnant who werent trying and then others who didnt expect it to happen so quickly and I think how it just isnt fair. Here we are so excited to be parents and wondering how long it will take. My period was due yesterday and still nothing so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. As much as I want to remain positive its so hard. I keep reading my hcg levels might not be strong enough yet but ahhhh just want to know.