New here, question on pain 37 weeks


Apr 30, 2018
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Hi everyone,

Leanne here, Mummy to a beautiful 2 1/2 year old girl and currently 37 weeks to a little boy.

So a couple of nights ago I was sitting on the sofa and my dog asked to go out, I got up to go to the back door and I suddenly squealed in pain, had to hold onto something and was in agonising pain with my pelvis. No contractions or anything, baby moving fine, I just physically could not move one leg in front of the other without it being excruciating, and the pressure in my pelvis was imense. I called my OH in who just saw me in tears and he had to help me sit down.

I suffered with SPD in first pregnancy but nothing as sudden or severe as this! Luckily the pain subsided a lot the next morning, and since has been a lot better.

How random??!! What the HELL happened?! Anyone else experienced that? I went for MW appointment today and he's measuring just over 38 weeks. Said doesn't think he's engaged but that's to be expected with second.

Thanks :)

Thanks :)
I have spd too but it was mostly in my hips and back until about 2 weeks ago when I turned 38 weeks and now the pain is in my groin, pubic bone and around the bikini line. It doesn’t hurt when I’m sat or stood still but getting up is agony and walking up stairs is the worst, just walking around the house a bit is really difficult and brings tears to my eyes. I’m assuming it’s because baby’s head is fully engaged, it’s definitely worse if I’ve been sat with my legs apart for too long or if I’ve been driving. I haven’t bothered contacting my midwife about it because I’ve been expecting the baby to arrive at any time and for the spd to disappear after, but I’ve gone overdue and I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so I think I’ll mention it, I’ll let you know what she says.
Could baby have been on a nerve or something x
Thanks for the replies guys, could certainly be a nerve, although it felt more to me like a random severe bout of SPD but just so randomly.

i mentioned it to a friend who thinks it could possibly baby engaging and then dis engaging from my pelvis, which is why the pain came and then went?

Will be interesting to see if it happens again, I'm on edge every time I get up in case that pain is going to hit!

I've just hired a TENS machine so fingers crossed that will help if it does!

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