New here, just had a growth scan.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Hello ladies :wave:

I have introduced myself on the introductions bit and thought id start posting on this board.

For those that didnt see my post, Im alison 24, dh is Jamie 30, one dd Summer she is 3 and one stillbirth at 37 weeks (kyler Jane). I have lupus and APS and inject clexane daily to thin blood.

I had a growth scan today. My consultant has said he wants me scanning every 4 weeks till the end now. I am 24+5 and all the babies measurements were 25+5 which is fab! Im really happy. Having APS often results in small babies, so im really chuffed that the treatment is working for us. I asked the sonographer to check if its still a boy :lol: thankfully his bits were still there. It feels so weird to be seeing a little willy on the screen after having 2 girls.

My cons has put me on iron tablets as im a bit run down. I had blood and protien in my urine so i have to ring the docs tuesday to get the results. Hope it isnt an infection.

Well i dont wanna blarther on any more and bore you all on my first visit lol.

Love to all mums n bumps.

Love ali xxx
Hello there and welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear about your loss :hug:
Glad everything is going well!
Dont worry, you wont bore us at all, post as much as you want.
We are a bit of a crazy bunch..but we are very nice :D
Ahh thankyou hun,

I have been stalking yas the last day or so so i know yas are all lovely! :rotfl:

I wouldnt tell me to post as much as i like...waving a red flag at a bull :lol:

Thanks for the welcome.

Love ali xxx
You have been stalking us :shock:
So you know i am addicted to cheese then right? :wink:
I post far too much and i know i do..but its addictive here! So post away :D
Hi Alison and welcome :D

Love the names Summer and Kyler Jane. Have you picked a name for your little man yet?

I am 24 weeks tomorrow and am having a girl we have named Leorah :)
Hi Skatty, thats a lovely name hun! We are thinking of calling our boy Leroy. We had a few diff names but that seems to be the one we are sticking with. Will decide when he arrives i think.

Eblinx...I am aware of your cheese issue

Nowt wrong with that tho, full of calcium, i craved cheese with Summer. I am tending to eat lots of fizzy sweets with this one and watermelon!

Love ali xxx
welcome alison! hope you enjoy our mad second trimester! :dance: :dance:

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