New here but not new to TTC


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Hi guys,well I'm new here but sadly not new to TTC.Ive been with my h2b for 8 years now and TTC for 6 years
I'm 29 years old and h2b is 37.He has 2 teenage boys. Ive always been overweight so 2 years ago i dropped from a size 26 to a 12 in 8 months!Sadly Ive gone back up to a 18

Both myself and h2b have been tested and got told there is no evidence why we cant conceive.Was given a few cycles of clomid a few years ago and no luck.It got as though TTC ruled my life!It was all i thought about and put a huge strain on our relationship so we decided to leave it but still not use anything and just hope it happens...Were now still waiting and again its all i can think about

My cycle is regular but ranges from 28-31 days in between.
I'm kinda confused this month though....
My first day of my last period was 10Th may and lasted 5 days.Don't chart so probably had sex around 23rd/24/25 as h2b worked away the other days. On the 2nd July i started spotting and that has worn off now today.Only used a liner so it wasnt a full period.My breasts are sore but my nipples look normal.Had cramps too.
Does this sound like a light AF or implantation?
I do feel different but last time i was TTC i felt same every month so it was all in my head lol so thinking it may be the same again.
Forgot to add i took my temp this morning and its 36.4 so normal?

Thank x
Sorry to hear you've been ttc for such a long time. I don't have any answers, but wanted to wish you the best of luck!
Thanks for the reply,yep its been a few years TTC.Breaks my heart really but i try not to let it get me down too much.We cant afford IVF at the moment but have said we will give it another 2 years and if no luck then its def IVF.

Good luck all you guys x
Just had a nice hot bath, got cramps now so thinking full AF is on her way :0( still got aching boobs and feel kinda different and bloated in the lower tummy area. If she's coming I wish she would soon I hate waiting...plays games with my mind lol
Hope you get your bfp soon, and the hot bath helps to ease the aches away :)
I know what you mean waiting on the witch coming and then she comes late or early when you are not expecting it lol.

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