NEW CONNIE STUFF!!!! Update 27/10

Hello beautiful,

How much would you like for the Next dress? As its new with tags, it'd make a lovely new baby present for my friend. Can you quote including p&p?

Cheers lovely

Valentine Xxx
3-6 months Next woollen dress BRAND NEW WITH TAGS absolutely GORGEOUS gutted she never wore it

pleeeeassse :)

also how much for the steiff bear?
Suzie and Faith said:
3-6 months Next woollen dress BRAND NEW WITH TAGS absolutely GORGEOUS gutted she never wore it

pleeeeassse :)

also how much for the steiff bear?

Sorry Valentine beat you to the dress (and Sherlock expressed an interest shortly after so it has well and truly GONE) - but the Steiff bear is yours for however much you want to pay for it hun just let me know it's not too heavy so shouldn't be too much to post xxxxxxx
I was going to ask about the Next dress too! So how much for 8, E, K and 25a? I love your numbering system :lol:
DRESS AND BEAR GONE! Please no more requests for either my inbox can't cope :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Just wanted to say thanks so much for the pants debecca, just got back off hols so didnt know they were here. Do you want me to send khaki ones back feel cheeky ???
littleem said:
Just wanted to say thanks so much for the pants debecca, just got back off hols so didnt know they were here. Do you want me to send khaki ones back feel cheeky ???

Noooo! You're not cheeky I'm just a spanner for sending the wrong ones! You're just lucky cos you've now ended up with two pairs for the price of one hee hee! If you feel terribly guilty you can contribute towards the cost of the postage for the second lot £1.24 but I'm honestly not that bothered hun!!!!!!!! I'm more happy that the stuff's gone to a good home rather than the chazzashop!!!
right, Faith is in 3-6 months and i am collecting any wintery clothes for 6-9 months so offer me a bundle and name a price!!!! P.S I LOVEEEEE that black dress!
You have wonderful taste, if I had a teeny pink one I'd take the lot! :D
kalia said:
I was going to ask about the Next dress too! So how much for 8, E, K and 25a? I love your numbering system :lol:

Why are you ignoring me? Am I on your foe list :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thanks debecca for the Next dress - it really is beautiful!

Valentine Xxx
And its 6-9 months! (see your fb lol). is it a generous 6-9 months? how much for it? (shower proof flowery one :))
debecca said:
The Shop of Bex and Flod!

3. 6-9 months George fluffy pink coat with hood. I'd wear this but as I say Flod has 5236589346 coats. It is SO SOFT inside and out!!! Gorgeous!

PLZ TA! Lara got there first on the next jacket!
daftscotslass said:
debecca said:
The Shop of Bex and Flod!

3. 6-9 months George fluffy pink coat with hood. I'd wear this but as I say Flod has 5236589346 coats. It is SO SOFT inside and out!!! Gorgeous!

PLZ TA! Lara got there first on the next jacket!

You can have it for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in exchange for SHEMIFFY t-shirt which I am currently wearing to death :D

I'll send it with your letter which I should be writing in the next few days xxx

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