New arrival to Tri 3! :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hi everyone! I hope you are all well! I am the newbie in tri 3 today! I am due 7th August and am really looking forward to it. I have been very lucky so far with very few complaints (I won't tell you's all about them on my first day hehehe)

Scottishlassie - are you here yet? If not I am coming to get you! xxx
thanks very much Midnight! Nice to meet you. I am hoping tri 3 is as chatty and entertaining as tri 2!
Hi roo - thank you! I am a bit nervous and excited at the same time. My sister just had a daughter a week ago which has put my excitement levels through the roof! Am afraid of all the usual stuff like labour but am putting it to back of my mind for now as I can definately see that the good outweighs the bad! xxx
Hi welcome to the last stage! This is where it gets interesting. I've hardly had any problems until recently, for example - Today I'm typing with Sausage fingers.. tomorrow I think I'm going to be speaking to my customers through a balloon face while my stomach tries to kick or attack them. :lol:
Thanks everyone!

Lol Snr1982 I take it the dreaded fluid has caught up with you! My sister had loads of fluid - there is a plus side - the weight literally falls off once baby is born. Lol she said that when she lay down at night the fluid all went to her face so when she got up in morning you could have stuck her to a window using her lips hehehehe then as the day went on the fluid travelled to her feet, bless her she really didn't look like herself some days hehehe
Thanks everyone!

Lol Snr1982 I take it the dreaded fluid has caught up with you! My sister had loads of fluid - there is a plus side - the weight literally falls off once baby is born. Lol she said that when she lay down at night the fluid all went to her face so when she got up in morning you could have stuck her to a window using her lips hehehehe then as the day went on the fluid travelled to her feet, bless her she really didn't look like herself some days hehehe


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