new and unsure!


Feb 22, 2012
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Hi everyone,

new to all this and desperately need advice from others who have been through it.

Ive had three weeks of am i/arn't i pregnant and its driving me mad.

two weeks after my last period I had some spotting for about 4 days and was due on 4 days ago but still no sign. I havent had any really obvious symptoms apart from the occasional stomach ache, stomach feeling tight like its been stretched, headaches and extreme tiredness.

I went to the doctors today and they just advised me to test again, the last test I did was a day before my period was due but it was neg.

I want to test again but it just makes me feel down when i get a neg. Is it likely im pregnant or not? Any advice is welcome or just general comments about it.

thanks :)
The only way you're going to know for sure is if you do a test or just keep waiting for AF. A negative is disappointing, but by now if you are pregnant you'd get a positive. Might be worth doing a test so you can get some answers, stress can keep AF away, so taking the test might make things easier for you.
Good luck :)
A test is the only way you will know for sure. Good luck xx
Hi hun and welcome to the forum! I know you don't want to hear this but the only way you'll know for sure is to test again! Does your doctor not do dip tests where you are? I know my doctor does? If you are unsure of a result they will do a urine dip test and if THEY are unsure they will take bloods.

But hey, honestly, I would go get another cheapie test, but don't get a blue dye one!

There is a chance you might be and the test you done was just too early?

Thanks for that, also, do you think im likely to get a positive by now if I am pregnant? x
Hi hun and welcome to the forum! I know you don't want to hear this but the only way you'll know for sure is to test again! Does your doctor not do dip tests where you are? I know my doctor does? If you are unsure of a result they will do a urine dip test and if THEY are unsure they will take bloods.

But hey, honestly, I would go get another cheapie test, but don't get a blue dye one!

There is a chance you might be and the test you done was just too early?


the doctor didnt offer me one at all and just advised me to test myself now and in a weeks time.
jeez, nice caring doctor you got there! If you were preggers it should definitely show up by now, get a First Response Early Response and these require lower amounts of HCG to pick up a positive xxxxx
I know I thought the same! But im not pushy enough and didnt want to ask for a blood test or anything. Lots of people told me to get the clearblue digital tests, are these the best or first response? Sorry for the million questions!
i've never used the digi ones but other ladies on here will advise as to whats best xxxxx
The most accurate way is to test again.I suggest you to try "First Response".

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