Never stops crying


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Why wont he ever shut up??? He's either crying, whinging or this really irritating moan like uhhh uhhh uhhh uhhh
HV said he's frustrated because he wants to get places and he cant. Well he's crawling backwards and zooms round in his walker now so IS getting places. Its like this all day.

He's always been demanding for attention where Ive had to rotate toys and things to keep him constantly amused. If I sit down with him and try to have some quiet time like reading, he's launching himself to grab the book or bouncing on me, pulling my hair and stuff.

Its like he's a bit hyper. We gave him choclate pudding a couple of weeks ago and OMG he was spinning for 6 hours solid so he's not having that again! Its like he's constantly on the move and if youre not jumping through hoops to entertain him then the whinging is all the time. I can't even go to the bathroom for 2 minutes.

The only thing I found keeps him quiet is food like he'll sit next to me and beg (yes he literally begs!) so I'll give him a little piece and he'll be happy and quiet then. Sometimes he switches in a millisecond from crying to laughing his socks off :?

My DD was nowhere near as demanding! I'm bloody knackered with him!
Libby is the same...constantly needing full on attention - except when she sleeps - two small naps a day :sleep: If I sit her next to me or on my lap she is grabbing for everything & cos I work from home I have always sat her on my lap whilst I;m on the computer if she gets whingey - impossible now, she grabs at the mouse, the keyboard, the calculator - I have to keep pens well out the way as she loves them!!

Argh!! Nightmare!
And she loves pulling my hair :x and my glasses off :x

Will check back for a magic solution to this later :lol:

I have every sympathy for you as I know how frustrating this is!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Never a minutes peace :shakehead:
We've only just got him going to bed this side of midnight the past 3 nights so thats helping a bit. HV also keeps saying (its their only answer they EVER give) to take him to sure start. Yeah great lets go to a room full of crying kids! He loves going out and I do try to get out with him but sometimes he'll have the place up thats why I stopped going the coffee mornings because he was a little sh1t the whole time.

I asked my mom and she said oh I could give your sister one toy and she'd sit quiet with it all day - err thanks for that! :?
Aww hun, you sound like you need a hug... :hug: :hug: :hug:

Dont believe your mum totally, that is the recollection she has of the situation, but memories tend to be curious things, you always remember the good things - on the other hand Ethan does sound like a very active little lad. Your HV is giving you this advice iin the hope that it will tire him out, the truth is that it dont always work that way - active kids are active, all there is to it. I would suggest swimming if you have a pool in your area? That can be a lot of fun for both of you and it might actually go some way towards tiring him... :pray:

Also maybe your mum could have him on occasion for an afternoon, say once a week, gives you a wee rest, which you need, and reminds her what babies are all about! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: (Am I wicked or what) :shock:

Anyone having him is out of the question, my mom works and she's also quite ill. Been looking for a swimming suit for him, they're sold out everywhere I tried so far (ebay here i come!) Have looked into tadpoles where the pool is warmer so might try that when I get something that fits him!

He's a funny thing, he's constantly on the go then he'll just sleep where he is he's not fussed if his face is on his walker lol!
It must be there age I think! Nathans been a right pain at the minute, whinging and moaning all day. Hes decided he wants to get up at 6am everyday too which doesn't help me be patiant. :x

Stanley was like this between about 7-11 months.

One day they realise they have more power, can get to where they want and take what they want, and they stop whining as much......

But then you have a whole NEW set of problems :lol:
Ruby is the same, it must be an age thing...

She wont sit still and play with her toys, she wants to crawl and stand against the sofa...and she constantly bashes me, pulls my hair, pulls my glasses off...

My mum has her 2 1/2 days week while I work and she is exhausted when I pick Ruby up!! She looks after my sisters LO one day too and she says they are so different-Olivia is so placid and will sit happily playing.

The only thing I found to get some peace is her Leap Frog activity centre, she will play for hours in it..I got in on E bay for £30, they are £80 in shops :cheer:


She cant get out of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i sympathise, luke isn't moving far yet will sit in 1 place and entertain himself, think when he starts moving will have to watch him all the time, it will be exhausting.
Rubys mummy said:
Ruby is the same, it must be an age thing...

The only thing I found to get some peace is her Leap Frog activity centre, she will play for hours in it..I got in on E bay for £30, they are £80 in shops :cheer:


She cant get out of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

that leap frog thing is amazing - Hannah stayed with her nanna and grndad in scotland last week and they had got her one of them. She absolutly loved it!! - she is still alittle small for it, but she interacted with everything on it. - I really need to get her one here!!!



i couldnt recomend them more!
Totally agree with comments about the Leapfrog Activity centre, Jude has one and it's been an absoloute lifesaver! Don't know what I'd do without it. Maybe worth having a look at something like this for your LO ? Good Luck :D
Totally agree with comments about the Leapfrog Activity centre, Jude has one and it's been an absoloute lifesaver! Don't know what I'd do without it. Maybe worth having a look at something like this for your LO ? Good Luck :D
He's got a walker with toys and activities on which he gets annoyed with after 10-20 mins like everything else. He's a funny little thing, whinges and cries then has a flounce in his walker over to the other side of the room then starts laughing :?

So looks like we've got a few more months of this!

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