never felt so ill

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hi guys well im definetly back and hope you havent missed me to much :D

Well i was feeling sick the other day and that was it but today i havent stopped being sick :puke: (sorry if tmi) i feel so drained for the last few days iv done a 12 and 14 hour shift with only an hours break :talkhand: im so shattered now :sleep: :sleep:

:hug: x x

Hope you start to feel better i felt sick from day one its no fun.
Hang in there wont be long itll it goes away :hug:
drinking almost flat 7up really cold out of the fridge helped my nausea....other than that - eating little an often of exactly what you fancy...
im only just getting over my nausea..been 5 days without any and been able to eat properly ! its heaven lol
nausea is defo worse when youre feeling really tired too, try to take it easy hun :)
aww hun, hope the sickness passes soon and you feel better
take care

aaawww honey you have my sympathy...flat coke is a good one too...doctrs recommend it...bxox
thanks guys for that will try that if it happens again i feel back to normal again hope it doesnt come on and off :oops:

I have never felt so bad ass i have done this past week. I have had a continous migraine and vomiting. My doctor said that if it didnt go i would have to be hospitalised. The migraine has gone but i still have a head ache. I havent been able to eat anything and everything i drank i was just sick. I feel quite weak still, they say that after 12 weeks it gets better i hope so because at 9 weeks im just counting the days as i cant cope anymore.
I haven't started feeling sick yet but I'm not looking forward to it. Last time I was pg the only thing that helped even slightly was ginger biscuits.

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