Neurotic mother in need of reassurance.

Miracle babe

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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You all know that Rowan had septicemia over the new year and it was very frightening. The thing is the last 3 days he's had a high temp, been off his food. He spent saturday in hospital being monitored only for us to be sent home with the diagnosis that it was a viral infection but to feel free to bring him back if he got worse. Well last night his temp peaked at 39.1 and I just lost it and again rushed him in. We spent all night in hospital and today was released with the diagnosis of tonsilitis and I was told by the doc that I have to try and calm down that babies will get ill from time to time and that I have to learn to cope at home. Thing is he has now developed a rash, it seems to disappear under a glass and he has eaten today, he hasn't a temp but is grizzly. I am a total nervous wreck. Please someone reassure me that a rash is common with illness in babies, despite having a 7 year old she's never had this type of thing and I'm worried sick and frankly losing the plot.
Oh yeah the rash looks like little raised red dots mostly on his torso.
Please someone reply soon. :(
sorry hun i dont know but i just wanted to give you a big hug :hug:

and hope that someone else is more helpful, but if ur worried go to the docs again and ignore what he said to you :hug:
Hi Hun

If you are worried take him to the docs/hospital. Don't let them make you feel bad; it's his health at the end of the day and you are his Mum and are entitled to be worried.

Re the rash; could it be heat rash? Gabriella had this yesterday and it has gone today.

Bigs hugs to you :hug: :hug: and i hope Rowan is ok
Debs gets a rash that sounds very similar on her torso, and the HV said it was a heat/sweat rash. She gets a bit grizzly with it, but I think that's because she doesn't like the heat. I think the meningitis rash is a really nasty, bright purple one that doesn't disappear. Do go back to hospital if you are really concerned though.
Firstly i wanna give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

And when keeley has gastroentic's (sp) she had a rash on her belly and back and when i went to the walk in centre they said that if you run your fingers over the rash and it goes white as in goes away its nothin to worry about its when the rash doesn't go away it means somethin's wrong

But if you are worried take him back at the end of the day its only natural to worry and thats what hospitals are for don't worry about goin back if you feel you wanna get him checked out again take him :hug:
If you are worried then trust your instincts and take him to see a doctor. Don't feel bad as at the end of the day he is your little boy and you have every right to be worried about him. Give NHS Direct a call maybe.
Thanks girls. If I'm honest I dont trust my instinct anymore. I'm convinced last time I just got lucky. However if I was going to base my feelings on instinct I would have to say I dont feel like its critical this time. He's still quite sunny when he's not yelling, his temp is still down and he has eaten a bit today plus the doc said he may go off his food and even vomit but I'm just so frightened of losing him I'm beyond reason. The doc also told me it was potentially putting him in a position of catching more and nastier diseases if I keep admitting him to hospital. I just need him to get better NOW, will perhaps take him to my own docs tomorrow for some further reassurance. God this septicemia has left an awful legacy behind it, I've even managed to develop an ulcer :roll:
I really feel for you. I worry about Jake all of the time and he hasn't been ill yet apart from a little cold. I think that when you have a baby you just love them so much that the thought of something happening to them makes you worry loads. I would maybe see how he goes and if he does get more ill then ring NHS Direct or take him to see a doctor. Hopefully it turns out to be nothing and little Rowan is all better by tomorrow.
Thank you so much everyone for your replies :hug: I took Rowan to see the doctor this morning...not a positive experience as we were kept waiting for over an hour and a half. The computer system was down so it was basically on paper and the doctors would come out and call the next patient. The receptionists even pointed us out to him and phoned through that we needed to see someone soon as this baby had a rash and the son of a bitch basically made a point of ignoring them and called some incontinent old tosspot (not ageist at all really) instead. In the end I was THE ONLY PERSON LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the receptionsit went and asked another doctor to see us. I am fecking furious :evil: This doctor had no way of knowing if the rash was meningial without seeing him. :evil: As it is it turns out its a type of excema (sp?) and I've been given diprobase for it. Thankfully Rowan seems much better this afternoon and has finally taken an 8oz bottle after refusing feeds for the last 4 days. Plus his temp has stayed down all day so here's hoping he's over the worst. :pray:
I am glad that he is better :hug:
That doctor sounds like a right tw*t, i would put in a complaint if i was you!
It must of been horrible for you! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can't believe the doctor left you till last! :x
Glad to hear he is a bit better today! :hug: :hug:
Babe if you think Rowan should be in hospital then dont let the doctors brow beat you over it, in the past youve had scares and if it reassures you you take him, your not a paranoid mom you are just a mom who worries about her son. :hug:

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