needs time


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Hello :wave:

I'm new on here just found out i'm pregnant :eek: :D think i'm around 4nhalf wks going docs today. Only been seeing my OH for six mths and the pregnancy wasn't planned. I'm happy and looking forward to whats to come, taking 1 day at a time...probelm is OH is NOT he's told me he doesn't want the baby its too soon we haven't got enough money etc told him he'll have to get used to it as i'm having the baby no matter what (as long as all goes well :pray: ) I know he's panicking but feel all his negativity isn't good for me at mo. we argued yesterday and i haven't seen him since!! I know i need to give him time.... has anyone else been through this?... did it all turn out ok? am worried he'll leave me.

thanks keli x
exactly the same happened to me. we had only been going out for about 4 months and i got pregnant. he was angry at first because he wanted me to get rid of it but i wouldnt. i think its as they have no control over that and it will change the whole of there life. but just remember that it took 2!! but after about 5 days he came around and was excited. he was scared as well but i just reasurred him and he's fine about it now. im sure everything will be fine. its just a shock :) xx
thank you for your reply, i hope he does come round like your OH did. :D I'm just leaving him alone i think that the best way. just getting on with looking after me. fingers crossed he'll be back with a smile on his face :pray: thats all i can do i think..
my boyfriend wanted me to get an abortion because we are both quite young (both 17)

However I couldn't go through with an abortion, so I told him that it was my choice, although I felt a little guilty at having dumped that on him. However now he's really happy about it although he's still nervous. He has even come shopping with me for baby things :)

I hope everything works out ok for you x
I think they think ure being selfish by not doing what they want and getting rid of it but ure the one with it growing inside you! Let us know how everything turns out. Ure doing the right thing by leaving him to it. he will realise how silly he's being xx
He came home dinnertime and was very quiet asked if i wanted to take dog for walk so we did after about 10 mins he started to open up saying how shocked and scared he was. listened to him. dont think we nearly over the half of it yet but felt close to him today and he even came to doctors with me :) do think he'll come round... maybe that just way blokes are eh?..need time and space and they come back. thank you for you replies ladies xx
see he just needed time! :) glad things are on the mend.
My friend is going through a similar thing. She's pregnant (first few weeks) but she hasn't told him yet - because she KNOWS that he will ask her to abort, as they've discussed it in the past and he said he wasn't ready for a kid.

So she's keeping it secret for the next few weeks until it's too late for an abortion. I know it dounds wrong because it sounds like she is tricking him but she is willing to go the extra mile just to save her baby, and I'm not ashamed to say I totally support her.

It takes two to make a baby. How can men have sex with women without protection - knowing that they could get pregnant - then when the girl does end up getting pregnant they want her to go through the traumatic experience of abortion!

I find it selfish. I think it's about time men took they responsibilities. :x

Hun, keep your little angel and he might come round later :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was in similar situation, we had only known each other 4 months when we found out I was pregnant and everything worked out fine in the end- it was scary but everything changes when you see that little baby on the screen or hear the heartbeat - of course all couples are different but i guess he will come round when it's sunk in, especially due to the fact he asked u to go for a walk with him and he opened up, thats a good sign :) im sure u will both fall head over heels for that little baby
aww it sounds like hes coming round already, give him more time he'll be so excited! :hug:

i didnt tell my boyf for about 36 hours after i found out i was pg as it was unplanned and i was soooooooo scared i thought he would march me 2 the abortion clinic. but altho he didnt speak or breathe (he just froze!) for about 5 minutes after i told him, he was really supportive and said the decision was mine and when i said im keeping it he was on the fone 2 all his family and just got more excited as the pregnancy progressed.

when u get ur bump and feel those first kicks he'll hav a huge smile on his face :hug:
i totally agree that some men are selfish it's like hes making the decision if he wants the baby or not, funny cos i've already decided and i'm having the baby no matter what!! with or without him. :) we're very strong us women. am very happy for all the ladies whoes fellas come round sure mine will who can resist those scan pics? :) he was ok for tues and wed loving etc then yesterday he just seemed to be all quiet again just sat on computer not even really talking to me so i just went to bed and watched prison break on dvd :D let him get on with it.
thanks for your replys ladies :hug:

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