need to talk to someone??


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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i know that when you're pregnant, hormones are everywhere and its well known that women get stroppy, and upset quite a lot...

but im not sure its just my hormones... i have always suffered depression, i have from a young age, but things seem to have been better in the last year and were continuing to get better, i had coping mecanisms, that i probably shouldnt have used..i.e. going out for a good p*ss up with mates at weekends, and sailing. but now i cant do that, im finding it difficult to unwind and i think im falling into that depression again, but it could just be the hormones as i've never been pg b4 so i dont know what is normal be feeling.

do you think i should speak to someone or is it probably just the hormones and im blowing it all out of proportion???

Your hormones won't be helping hun, but I would still talk to someone. If you're wondering if it's the right thing to do, then it probably is!
If you've got a nice midwife, try talking to her or your GP. And don't forget, we are always about. You can PM me if you feel it's better talking to a stranger, and I'm sure all the others will say the same.

i agree with emma... pregnancy hormones are a bugger and i've been feeling pretty low too. i came off the pill last year as it was making me very depressed (i had a crap year in general so plenty of reason to be depressed) but i felt a whole heap better without the errant hormones floating around my body.

as emma says, talk to your gp or midwife :hug: :hug:
it really is proobably just the hormones. one day i will feel really depressed and could burst into tears for anything the next i will the happiest person ever. The ups and downs of pregnancy. [email protected] if you want to chat.

you just need loads of hugs at the moment :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree, I was the exact same as purple I stopped taking the pill because it was making me very moody and miserable, so pregnancy hormones must have that ability too, the thing is it doesnt really matter what is causing you to feel a bit low, the fact is you do and talking to someone and maybe coming up with some new coping mechanisms would help
It could be either. Im not sure either as ive been feeling down alot recently too, and have suffered with depression for a good few years now.

[email protected] if you want to chat to me on msn, and also if you feel comfortable with it, it might be good to speak to your midwife about it. I don't expect she will be judgemental :hug:
Ive been feeling really down recently due to feeling ill all of the time and sicky and I went to see my GP about it as i've suffered from depression in the past and it took me a good while to recover. My GP said that alot of women feel this way in pregnancy and that its not anything to worry about at the moment, he said our bodies are going through massive change and it can make us feel very down at times but that doesnt mean that we are becoming depressed again. He suggested I think back to what things help me to feel good when i'm feeling down and try to put those into practise, he also said to come back if i am worried about it but so far those methods seem to be working.... If u wanna talk give me a shout :hug:
I got really depressed during my last pregnancy... and the doctor I saw at the time was really good and said that although lots is known about post natal depression, there are many women who suffer antenatal depression.

I suffer quite badly with my body image, and pregnancy always panics me. I also find the restriction of not being able to do things I would normally do, and not having anything to do in general really strangling... Plus I get very lonely... Like I will sit at home all day and maybe only speak to at the most 2 people in a day. It's not like you can keep an hours conversation going over the last stitch you dropped in your knitting pattern, or the umpteenth episode of the Simpsons you watched...and well..a blow by blow account of how you washed the dishes, isn't exactly thrilling to listen to.. I don't know any other people who have had kids, there aren't all these wonderful Aquabumps classes and such where we live, and mummy and baby groups are very much a British invention. And there is a huge cultural divide that I am really feeling atm having a baby in another country...

So yer... I can totally sympathise with you... Its not just your hormones, because I don't feel hormonal... I'm just sad, depressed and lonely. :hug: :hug: :hug: Don't let people fob you off with the whole, your pregnant and hormonal thing... :hug:
thanks everyone, i think what i might do.. taking all of your comments into account is write up a coping strategy of somekind with the help of OH, the poor thing is bearing the full brunt of my stress and i feel awful so i think he needs to play a part too.

If what i caome up with doesnt work in a couple of weeks i'll talk to the midwife when i see her, i really appreciate all ur support!
i have a really hard time with my emotions since we had a little boy born asleep at full term. That was ten years ago and when my son was born nine years ago, I've suffered very badly with depression and anxiety. I never had post natal depression diagnosed but went to see a counsellor of my own volition two years ago and have been much better since. However since I've become pregnant, I can feel myself sinking again and the thought of getting back to the very dark place I was at, after Tim was born, absolutely terrifies me.

I mentioned it to my midwife who was absolutley fantastic. In our area (staffs) they have a specialist who deals with ante and post natal depression and she tells me there are cetain drugs you can take once the baby is born to stop you getting PND again. She said she'd be happy to refer me if I felt I needed some support. Why not ask if they have this in your area. Sometimes counselling is enough, but if you do need some extra help, there is support available. Don't leave it till you hit rock bottom before you ask for help...its a long way back

Sorry to waffle on and good luck to everyone who is feeling low.

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