Need to share..

12 DPO. Had AF type pain during the evening yeterday with low back pain. Gone today. Slept better last night but still woke up about 4ish. Boobs are not sore. Temp down a bit today but still higher than normally at this time in my cycle.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

Sus x
13dpo today. Boobs are really sore today, I never have sore boobs in the run up to AF so hopefully, hopefully hopefully!

AF due tomorrow - it's so close to finding out if i'm pregnant or not!
:wave: How you doing Miche? Hoping that you get your BFP.

I'm now 13DPO. Have had a few sharp pains this morning and feel a little bit dizzy. Temps are still up. Feeling a bit scared now. Don't want to POAS in case its a BFN. Won't be doing it today anyway.

Good Luck.

Sus x
Now at 14DPO. Due AF tomorrow. Temps down a bit this morning but still higher than normal so still hoping.
I had a bad nights sleep again. I don't know whether it's because I'm anxious or if it's a symptom. Feel quite alert considering.

Miche, I hope you are ok. :pray: that your AF doesn't come and you get that BFP.

Sus x
Me too - can't see it though. Tested with fmu this morning and it was negative. I hope to goodness you are pregnat Sus, one of us needs to be lucky! :pray: :pray:
come on u 2!!! its like a soap and everyday is left at a cliff hanger lol, when are u both testing? :pray: :pray: :pray: for both of u!

That made me laugh Kayte. :lol: Didn't realise people would be so interested!

Well, if you look at my chart you can see my temp has dropped this morning and my boobs have gone from feeling swollen back to pre AF feel so I'm just waiting for her to put in an appearance. I also woke up early with another UTI so feeling a bit sorry for myself today.

I haven't tested as I don't until she is late although I have got my FMU collected to take to the doctor for testing for my UTI. I don't think there's any point though.

Miche :hug: , I've got a feeling you'll get your BFP in a few days. Hang in there. You may just have implanted late which is why it's not showing up yet.

Good luck

Sus x
Well I decided that I would POAS and surprise, surprise, it was a BFN. Knew it would be. I swear I'm never symptom spotting again.

Sus x
But AF hasn't showed yet though Sus right? It isn't over yet. Don't know what is going on with me. Still no AF. Going to test in the morning as it will be my 4th day late - if it doen't show over night. I really don't think I am pregnant though. Absolutely no symptoms now.. nothing - I've had something to raise an eyebrow at all through the two week wait and now ziltch.

i just want to know for certain and get on with dealing with my feelings!
She got me. I started having pains yesterday afternoon and usually I'll start about an hour later. I only had tiny bits of brown stuff. Thought I was still in with a chance but she got me this morning.
Have decided not to temp or use OPK this month and try and relax. That was our 16th cycle with no luck.
I will still take my Agnus Castus but I'm not going for Acupuncture. My friend knows someone who does reflexology so I may give her a try. I've had it previously with someone else but she wasn't specialised in it for fertility. I think it relaxes me more than Acupuncture.

Come on Miche, where's that BFP?

Sus x
Sus, she got me too about an hour ago :cry: I knew anyway really because I tested again this morning and it was negative.. so onto cycle # 7 for us. Going to relax too. no more symtom spotting - I had them all this month! Never mind. Because this months cycle was an unusual 30 days I don't really know when to pin point OV but I too have decided not to use OPK's and definately not to temp. I agree, I and DH need to just calm down.

Going to try to have DH on zinc and myself to do some research on how to increase my CM around ovulation.

Been lovely having someone who is going though it too Sus, best of luck fr next month x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: She's a witch isn't she. I thought one of us would get our BFP. We obviously weren't meant to give birth in June!

Good luck to you too babe for this month.

Sus x

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