Need to share..


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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.. should start my own blog instead of bothering you all to get things off my chest and into perspective!

I am 5 days past OV and feeling so silly for looking for pregnancy signs already but after 6 months of trying this month i'm positive we've hit OV and can't help get excited anyway.

At the risk of sounding totally irrational here goes..

I have a constant 'ache' in my tummy, it dosn't hurt or bother me but it's there.

I feel like i'm bloated but physically I have quite a flat stomach.

I have thick blue veins on my bbs and I think my nipples are darkening (i THINK!)

I have no CM.

I am trying to think back to my first pregnany 4 years ago and I know I had these symptoms but I cannot figure whether I had them at only 5 days past OV.

I agree with you, I am wishful thinking, I am probably reading too much into normal bodily functions but I can dream I suppose!
:wave: Can I join in?

I'm 4 DPO and since ovulating I've had a strange feeling just above my pubic bone. I can't really describe it. It's like a dull ache.
I also have a cold sore, a stuffy nose, and yesterday I had heartburn which I never normally get.
I'm wondering if it's all in my head too. Normally try not to symptom spot because I'm always disappointed but I think we may be lucky this month.

Hope you get your BFP.

Sus x
I've also got a muscle twitch in my leg today which is driving me crackers. No idea if that's a symptom!

Sus x
hi there
i am only 2 dpo and i am excited this time as well! :dance:
i have been trying for 3 months but still no obvious signs :x . i have tried the method of elevating my legs up in the air for 30 min and quit coffee totally so i am just hoping.
i hope u all get bfp's and when u do so plz tell me when did u get them so i know when i can start testing as i am few days behind
good luck alll :wave:
hi Sus, I'm allowing myself this one month to get excited. i've held back because of the pressure ttc was having on us but after much soul searching and trying not to obsess over it i've relaxed and feel like I can cope with the disppointment of not being pregnant. I just feel 'different' this month. I feel like there's every chance this month and i've never had that feeling

hi there, hope it's your lucky month too! Fingers crossed to us all!

No doubt i'll be posting any more signs
Have you had any more symptoms MicheLou?

My ache near my pubic bone seems to have gone. I did wake up about 4 am though with a sharpish pain in my left side. It was probably wind!

My (.)(.) felt heavy and slightly sore yesterday when I took my bra off but that seems to be normal in my 2WW.

Still have a stuffy nose.

I'm 6DPO now. Why does it go so slow when you just want to know?

Having Acupuncture this afternoon.

Sus x
Hi Sus, i'm 7dpo and still having those pains, cm is increasing but boobs arnt as heavy and nipples normal colour, very windy for some reason. I'm crying out for more symptoms. I just wish I knew!
I had really bad wind before i found out i was pregnant! Seriously bad wind in fact! Nearly pulled a sicky so people in the office wouldn't have t suffer!!!!

Hope this is a +'ve sign for you!
Hi Hon, I know just how you feel. I hate the 2WW.

The ache that I was having seems to have gone completely. My temp has gone down today from 36.96 to 36.78. Don't feel so hopeful now.

Sus x
Hmm, i'm not feeling so hopeful either. that pain is subsiding, boobs a little sore, still windy. The only thing I have to look to now is creamy CM. Trying to work out if I had that 8dpo last month or even previous months. Not too much longer to wait now.. gggrrr
Hi there, first of all good luck this month to you all for BFP!!

I am on day 14 of my cycle (28 days), and we BD last night and 3 nights ago, I feel as though I may have OV yesterday, just had a dull ache in that area. I think maybe we should BD every day now for at least a week and then at least we will be pretty sure we have 'caught' OV day, whenever that may be. Tried last month to no avail (first month since having coil removed).

I dont want to become obsessive but it has a funny way of taking over your thoughts doesnt it, and why are there heavily preg women everywhere? Is it a sign??
How are you doing MicheLou?

I'm now 9DPO. Pains came back yesterday. My boobs seem a bit fuller and slightly tender. I had a really crap nights sleep last night. Kept waking up every couple of hours, was tossing and turning and had a few AF type cramps.

Pains have gone again this morning. I just feel soooo tired. Would go back to bed but I've got a man coming round to clean my carpets!

How slow is this 2WW going?!

Sus x
Fingers crossed for you all, I think I'm 8dpo and have mild pains in abdomen but no other signs.
CD 12 - I just don't know, no symptoms now except for slight tenderness on bbs, constipated (if thats a sign!) and veins prominent on bbs. Who knows - it's been so long this 2ww
Am now at 11DPO. I had a really bad nights sleep again last night. Have had 3 naps in the afternoons this week. Yesterday I had sharpish pains all day in my uterus area. I feel a bit sick this morning and have had palpatations. Temps are looking quite good. I'm quite hopeful again but we'll see.

How is everyone else?

Good luck all.

Sus x
i been having palpatations too is that a sympton? or is it just that im stressed haha!! x

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