Need to make up my mind about him...


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2005
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Just a little bit of advice please, I'll try and keep this short and sweet..

My EX left me when i was early stages of pg with Carey, got back together when carey was couple of months old.. he has denied carey being his and didnt want nothing to do with him...up until he found out the other day im having his baby...

for some reason this baby is goin to change the way he is...apparently its what we needed to make us become a proper family he says hes over the moon.. as he did when i found out i was pregnant with carey..a few weeks later...single mummy!

i do still love him because he's my babys dad but i hate him for what hes done.. do i set myself and carey up to be hurt again and give it another go? or give him the benefit of the doubt?
Only you know the answer to that hunni!

He could have realised what hes got, or he may do the same thing to you again, and this time round theres more people involved.

I hope you find the answers ((HUGS))xx
:D Whatever the outcome I am her for you anytime. This happened to me with my eldest. Please be strong

msn anytime
mt mum always told me to go with my heart!
so ill give the same advice as mums are usually right!
whatever u choose to do i hope u r happy!
Hi hun

Well as much as he has hurt you its really up to you .
i owuld say dont do it but what if he really is telling the truth somtimes guys need a big eye opener to boot them in the arse and get them thinking what they have to lose.
On the the other hand you dont need to get hurt again if you feel in your heart ot give him a chance i would but if you dont them its totally understandible
Good luck hun in whatever you choose , if you ever need to chat you have my add.
Hi hun, (hugs) u should like uve got alot of mixed feelings about him. I think its worth a try. He might be different with this one. Maybe he just got scared before?

Its up to you though. We're all hear if he gets on ur nerves and u want to have a rant :moon: hehe

Take care

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