need some reassurance about sleeping


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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i know its probably daft but i just need some reassurance that i cannot hurt my baby while i sleep. i find myself tossing and turning and rolling over in all directions in bed trying to get comfy and i honestly almost every night forget baby is there and carry on moving around as if it was just me :shock: i even find myself trying to lie on my tummy and realise i shouldn't do it. baby still moves around in the night and morning as normal but i wake up feeling so bad that all my moving around will have hurt him or upset him. i know they are well padded in there but with him being so big now and running out of room i get worried he can't wriggle out of the way if he's getting squashed by me or is uncomfortable because i'm lieing funny.
As you said, don't worry, your LO is quite happy and padded there in his little womb bubble! :hug:
As you've already said, when you try and lie on you're stomach you cant, and you're body will tell you when it doesnt want you to do something.

I wouldnt worry about position, whatever is comfy for you will mean you're not squashing baby or hurting yourself.

Sleeping is hard enough atm without worrying, just trust you're body to let you know :hug: :hug:
thx for your replies :hug:

your right sleeping is hard enough with constantly getting up for a wee and then its too hot then can't get comfy and worrying about squashing the baby :lol: i'm surprised i'm getting any sleep at all :lol:

and i guess as he has made no attempt to head towards the exit yet then he must still be happy and ok in there :D
It's funny cause I wondered the same thing, in fact i thought the other day what if the poor lad comes out all squished cause of the way i was lying... Or have tonnes of brith marks lol!!

i dont know how it all works but sure they are fine in there

I wake up everyday on my back even though I know you're not supposed to and baby seems fine. Even though I prop myself on my side with pillows I throw them all off the bed in my sleep so not much I can do about it.

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