Need some advice please!?


New Member
May 2, 2012
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Hey there, I don't no if I'm pregnant or not. My periods used to be very regular to the exact date and now there so irregular. In jan I had a period and didn't have another one until April but in April it wasn't so heavy lol. It's now due date for my period again and surprise surprise it hasn't shown up. I went to the doctors and got blood tests done for my sugars etc and everything came back normal so it's nothing like my organs messing up :s I don't no but could I be pregnant?

Thanks everyone for reading advice much needed.
I've tested after my first period didn't come in feb and it said negative. But can your period come like that if your pregnant like irregularly? I'm so clueless to this kind of thing. The doctors can't understand what else it could be.
Could be many things, stress and poor diet can mess your cycles up. I would try testing again, if negative have a look at speaking to a dietitian invade you can alter what you eat to help regulate them. Sounds daft but sometimes it just something silly
Some people do have irregular periods or even regular ones during pregnancy. However a test should show if you are pregnant. Maybe it's a hormonal imbalance?
See i personally thought it was a hormone imbalance but the doctors clarified that it wasnt. Just at the point now I want to no what's going on with my body that it's making my periods so messed up.
I thought it was of all them reasons but im not stressed, my diet is normal and all the tests clarified everything else to be normal. It's not my thyroid or nothing like that.

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