need need of a bit of advice please :0)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2008
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I had a nt scan on 22nd of dec and the sonographer said all is fine measurements fluid etc afterwards i had to have my bloods done .....then on the sat the 27th of dec i get a letter from the hospitial asking me to go to the antenatal clinic and to take a urine sample with me on the 25th of feb im a bit worried that they have found something wrong with my bloods...
could this maybe to have something to do with the dr finding protien in my urine a couple of weeks ago or because iv been feeling extremly tired and still am i will ring my midwife tomorrow also but just need some advice as the midwive never mentoned this at my booking in appointment opps also i had endometriosis last year and she said i was very lucky to fall pregnant whch i know that and cause all was fine at booking in apoointment i wouldnt need to see a consultant but would have to have the baby in hospitial due to scar tissue from op .........

much appriciated
sorry i cannot help but mabe the consultant want's to see you cas of your endmetriosis (sp?) and tehy always ask for urine samples don't worry too much if they were worried they would of made a app for asap :D
Thanks hun i did think if it was important they would of called me in earlier :D
I think if it was something serious they would have phoned you, certainly not made an appointment for that many weeks away!!

Dont panic im sure its all routine and all is hunky dory :)
I agree with the others hun, if it was anything to worry about they would have had you back in straight away. I expect it's just routine :hug:

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