Need help with phobia.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Right thats it! I'm gonna sort this problem once and for all.

I have a serious and debilitating phobia of spiders. I have had since a young age and its almost taking over my bloody life!

I just opened the door to put the bin out and a massive spider ran in at me, I screamed, dropped the rubbish bag and started crying. I was on my own, my baby was crying in the other room but I couldn't go to her cause I didnt want to leave the spider unnattended in case it went somewhere I couldnt see it.

Now Im in a panic, I did manage to squash the spider eventually, but I just feel like the whole house is full of them now and Im gonna see another one anytime now. It's a horrible feeling. My heart is racing and Im shaking.

I really need help. Can anyone recommend a therapist in the UK that deals with these problems.

I'm getting desperate now, as Id hate to think it might affect my ability to care for Livvy. Today proved that I might be heading that way and Im scared.

Help! Sorry for the lengthy post! Im just desperate.

Thank you all for reading.

Angela xxx :(
i dont have any recommendations hun but just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: , i am completely the same when it comes to spiders, i have even refused to go to sleep until OH has searched the room to kill one ive seen. i hate september the most cus thats when they come in the house because of the weather and it seems in my house they are all huge and everywhere at that time of yr. i would love to see someone about it too but cant afford but i hope you have some luck hun

I have over come a huge fear of spiders. I dealt with it when (don't laugh) Steve Irwin died :oops: I was really upset and wanted to do something in his memory so decided to stop being scared of spiders and I know its sounds crazy and silly but I really am not scared anymore. I wouldn't want one on me but I can put a glass over one now until OH gets home to put it out and if I see one I don't feel panicked.

I have overcome it in a mind over matter way.

You can stop laughing at crazy lou now :oops:
Aww Angela :hug: I'm sorry you're feeling so shaken up!

I'm very similar, I hate spiders and can't even be near one. Someone told me once that house spiders travel in pairs and since that day, I've never seen two together!! It's like one will be waiting for me... :evil:

I saw a therapist for a little problem I had in September and she was great... Where are you in the UK?

I used a hypnotherapist for my fear of wasps. It did work till we moved house now Im having trouble getting to my safe place again iykwim.

You have my empathy.

Stanley and I didn't get dressed one day until 6pm because there was one on the stairs :roll:

My friend had hypnotherapy and it helped her. She said she still doesn't like them but can sit near one without screaming.

I don't have a specific therapist to offer but it may be a path worth considering.
Thank you all for your empathy and understanding.

I think I'm going to go to my GP about it and see if I can get referred to a recommended therapist or hypnotherapist.

Thank you again for you replies and experiences. I will keep you posted! :D

I WILL overcome the eightlegged nasties!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: You poor thing... I've been avoiding my kitchen for the past few days cos a cockroach flew in the window the other day.. I had to call DH home from work to come and get rid of it... I can't squash it either because if its a female one her eggs will get out and we will have an infestation... I'm totally phobic of them... :cry: So I have total sympathy.

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