Need help urgently re: tattoos

You can send it to me MissG and I will try put it on for you :hug:
MissGobby's tattoo :D


i have e-mailed the laser company and this is what they said :-

Hi Leanne thankyou for your e mail our tattoo removal prices depends on size and this would be assessed by a fee consultation with one of our nurses. A test patch is required if treatment is to go ahead which is £49.00.
Please give us a call to book in for a free consultaion on 0114 2515760

Thankyou Sk:n Sheffield

Snuggle said:
MissGobby's tattoo :D


thanks Snuggle hunny!!! that is a very close up picture of the tattoo as from too far away you can hardly see it, but just so you can see the shape and style of it, what the heck can i do with that? lol
Been trying to have a think what you could tattoo over it, will let you know if anything comes to me :wink: :hug:
only thing i can really think of is having either two little stars or two little hearts or something but not sure if you can colour in over black can you?!? :think:
Yeah you could do that, the tattooist will just fill them in with black :D You should pop in to a tattooist and ask them what they can do :hug:
yep id deffo go with that idea hun, would look so much prettier than a scar :hug:
See you've updated your ticker hunny, good on ya :hug:
Snuggle said:
See you've updated your ticker hunny, good on ya :hug:

aii and tomorrow im off out with 1 gorgeousssssss lad and his mates to a house wonderful is this single life? :rotfl: :rotfl:
ask a tattooist to have a look and see what they can come up with. :hug:
MissGobby said:
Snuggle said:
See you've updated your ticker hunny, good on ya :hug:

aii and tomorrow im off out with 1 gorgeousssssss lad and his mates to a house wonderful is this single life? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sounds like you're enjoying yourself hunny, so you should be too, go crazy and have some fun :cheer: :hug:
Seriously miss gobby enjoy yourself, your mid twnties come around too quick and sometimes i wish i was 19 again and going out and getting lashed and going out with different lads and going clubbing and all of that.

I do sometimes miss my old life, but i love being a mum too and having a great fella - its all i wanted.

Enjoy your life while you can and dont waste a second of it!
MissGobby said:
Snuggle said:
See you've updated your ticker hunny, good on ya :hug:

aii and tomorrow im off out with 1 gorgeousssssss lad and his mates to a house wonderful is this single life? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Me?? Jealous?? Never!! :fib: :fib: :fib:

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