I have put my little man on the cow and gate hungry baby milk today. He was on SMA White and was taking 4 and half oz but this wasnt settling him. he wanted to feed every 2 hours but i managed to feed him every 3 hours
Well today i used this cow and gate and all Joe has done is sleep. He has fallen asleep after taking 3 oz leaving 2oz in bottle. I have had to wake him every 3 hours to get him to take another bottle.
Should I leave him sleeping till he wakes for a feed? Is it normal to sleep for so long. Im only not used to this long sleep as he was waking so often for feeds on SMA that i now think something is wrong with him
Cant win can i lol
Well today i used this cow and gate and all Joe has done is sleep. He has fallen asleep after taking 3 oz leaving 2oz in bottle. I have had to wake him every 3 hours to get him to take another bottle.
Should I leave him sleeping till he wakes for a feed? Is it normal to sleep for so long. Im only not used to this long sleep as he was waking so often for feeds on SMA that i now think something is wrong with him
Cant win can i lol