Need a boost!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Finally got discharged by the midwife today! Nearly 4 weeks after theo was born they are happy with my section scar now (I got thrush IN my scar! Ouchy!) but it's all healing well.

Theo is STILL below his birthweight :( he's 9lbs 5oz now and he was 9lbs 9oz when he was born. It makes me feel shit tbh, coz I feel like I am starving him. He is gaining every week, and the midwife seemed happy enough to discharge me, but she did say at 6 weeks I may want to introduce a couple of bottles of formula a day if he is still only gaining slowly.

He lost weight initially but since the firs loss he has gained every week, slowly, but he has gained and I really don't want to top him up, but I dont want him to starve either. I feed him whenever he wants feeding and some times he will be on for 3+ hours when he is cluster feeding. His dads really tall an skinny and theo seems like he's headed the same way too so am hoping this is why he is only gaining slowly and it's not anything to do with me. It really knocks your confidence with bf when stuff like this happens
Aw hun, he's gaining do that's what counts right? Don't beat yourself up, this breastfeeding lark is hard work.

Is there anything you can do to fatten him up? Eat different things or take that fenugreek stuff?

Glad you have been discharged though, that's good news.

Chin up, you're doing great xx
oh are doing an amazing job and the fact you have been discharged is a really good sign. if they were worried, you wouldnt have been...

i combination feed because i knew my supply wasnt enough to satisfy missy moo with me being ill sure you know my story so i wont bore you again. i was initially disappointed that i couldnt ebf, but to be honest this way works really well for me cos sometimes i am so so sore and it means my hubby can feed her.

i have also had to go to doctors A LOT and it has meant that i could leave LO with my mum.......tbh the doctors is the only place i have been on my own without lo....!! I need to just sleep there i think...

i figure as long as i can carry on giving her some from me, then something is better than nothing xx
I think if they discharged you they aren't worried. You're doing brilliantly! He'll get there :)

Awww hun you are doing a wonderful job and the fact that he is gaining weight is the most important thing. If he is content in himself then you are obviously doing something right :)

Could you maybe increase your calorie intake to help? I've heard people adding condensed milk to cereal and tea to make their milk creamier, no idea whether this works or not :)
your doing brill and as long as he gains a bit and seems happy and content i wouldnt top up. i do combi now but wanted to ebf so if i could i would. too late for me now but im happy i tried my hardest and did as much as i could. i went back to college last week so it is handy that i can leave her with my mum all day
I also think that they must be happy with him if they have discharged you! You're doing fab - just carry on and see what happens, maybe by the time he's 6 weeks old he'll be piling on the weight anyway! And if you end up having to top him up with formula it's not the end of the world either, is it, as he will still be getting all the benefits from your breastmilk! You're doing brilliantly for persevering, be proud of yourself!!
Thanks girls :love: I really want to persevere with bf, I love it so much and I would feel so guilty if I had to top up. I feel guilty now too though! Damned if I do, damned if I don't! Fx he starts to pile it on soon!
awww big hugs !! dont put yourself down you've managed four weeks and that is sooo fantastic, if the MWs arent worried about his weight gain then you shouldnt be :)

keep going as you are, but keep getting him weighed at drop in clinics (id guess you have them in your area) and they can monitor his weight, if it does drop or just stays the same then maybe reconsider adding in a couple of FFs.

good luck hope he starts getting big and chunky soon :)xx
:hug: don't blame yourself hun. If the mw thought there was a problem she would have said so. If he's content and he is now gaining then that's fine. He probably just has a high metabolism.

It's so easy to feel guilty. I really beat myself up over Albert, for a start he was a lot smaller than I expected and then we couldn't bf and he only gained 4oz a week til the last weigh in when he gained 11 oz! Babies settle down eventually and when they are hulking 18 years olds we will be wondering what all the fuss was about xxxxxxxxx
Awwww sweetheart you're doing great! The important thing is he's putting on weight, don't be disheartened and keep coming on here for support! Xxxxx

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