need a bit of help

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Ok im not sure where to post this, hopfeully someone can help me. As you know its just over 4 weeks since the miscarriage.
AF came yesterday, was very painful, lost a few more clots and stuff.
Iv just got up now and gone to the loo and im covered in blood (TMI sorry) and its just pouring out of me. NOt in a great deal of pain atm, just general pains.

I dont know what to do, OH wants me to call NHS direct for advice, but my parents dont know about the not sure what to do, i am loosing alot (can still feel it pouring out of me now tmi again sorry) but i dont want my mum and dad to know....
i would ring your doctors and ask for advise it obviously isnt normal for you so its best be safe :hug:
Yeh id give NHS or hospital a quick call to check it over, you have nothing to loose and its better to be safe !!

Hope it gets better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Call or go to the hospital to get things checked out :hug:
i went to see the pharmacist. He looked at me stupid as much to say how dumb is that question and said sounds all normal just rest. then walked off....gotta love boots
call NHS direct hun - that's what they are there for.
i wouldn't listen to the pharmacist tbh. they really only deal with medicine side of things

doctors definately, but since it's a saturday NHS direct. I think they'll tell you to see a doctor though.


edit- can you call NHS direct in the garden or on a walk on the way to the shops or something so your parents don't find out?! your health is more important than whether they find out or not... put yourself first hun x
sorry i cant help no experience of m/c myself and very little experience of AF tbh- it sounds scary to me tho i'd call nhs direct if u havent already and its still the same. hope ur ok :hug:
If calling NHS direct is out of the question, go straight into your local hopsital a&e. At least you will get to speak to a doc or triage nurse :hug:
1st of all :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry to hear about the mc, i had one last yr and it was so tough - your mum and dad might want to know to support you, my experience was that it was a lot easier when everyone knew.

I bled for ages and i think it is very normal, however, it would be good to check it out with the Dr or nhs direct. Do you feel faint or dizzy? If so, it might be good to get checked out for anaemia too. :hug:
thank you all for your concern .... Its slowed right down today (just like a normal AF now really) so im gonna wait now and se how longg it lasts....i will give it till wednesday and if im still bleeding i wil go to my docs :)

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