
Active Member
May 17, 2005
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wow its all happening you for :D

My due date is today, but not had any signs really that labour is about to start :( ive had the odd pain but thats it! Im really really ready now and just cant wait to meet our little one :P

Ive got the mw this afternoon, so i might ask her is she can do a membrane sweep to help bring on the labour/contractions etc so fingers crossed

Good luck

Sam & Bump

I have been having the exact same things minus the braxton hicks. Baby is well engaged now which is causing lots of pressure and pushing down loads of crap lol. Started taking raspberry leaf tea now to try and get things moving as well but I don't think he wants to stay in too long now. Not due till 6th sept though.
Sounds good to me Kayl!! Good luck for when the moment arrives. I know you'll be excellent :D
Hey Kay, wow your nearly there!! i think your gona beat me to it! still havent lost my mucus plug yet!

I know you were worried about baby being breech so im so glad that the baby has turned for you!!
I know what you mean about waddling!!! my babys head is engaged too and the pressure is getting quite uncomfortable!

Dont be nervous you'll be fine hun you'll soon be holding that little baby!! how exciting! keep us updated.

Best of luck to you

love steph and bump x
Yay Kayl u go girl I am sooo excited for you (and jealous its not me yet!) God that means I'm gonna be logging on even more than usual to keep a check on u!!!!
Try and rest as much as you can now then. Take good care and keep us informed - lots of love and GOOD LUCK sweetie! xxxx
im due tomorrow and have yet to have no signs! :cry:

baby has been engaged for a while (week 37) but no plug or braxton hicks or anything yet absolutely gutted i was hoping i would have felt something by now!

i havent lost my plug yet, i have never had a braxton hicks contraction and baby is not engagged (hes upside down but not engagged yet) i ahve just bought some rasberry leaf tea so hopefully that will move things along very soon!! im getting bored and frustrated not having anything happen 2 me yet!!!!!!!!

anybody have anymore advice of how 2 bring on labour apart from long walks and rasberry leaf tea???
minikins has gone quiet - I think it was her time! Hopefully hear from her soon eh x
you go girl.... nearly there... we are racing lol just seen midwife and baby is 3/5 engaged now.... not to long i hope....

chat soon hun and keep me posted
i am getting frustrated!!!!
nothing has happened to me yet! not even a twinge! AAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!
good luck to you all ladies!

I remember when i lost my mucas plug, it was 2 weeks before i went in to labour, but i was ready everyday after that in case i went early.

im so excited for you all!! :D
Hi ladies

Well im still here....still pregnant.

Tried the sex, tried the hot curry, tried walking and still nothing happening!!!!!!!! aaarrrgghhh

My next appointment is thursday 18th when il be 41 weeks and if still no progress, my mw says they arrange an induction :?

Help!!!!!!!!!! Ive got lots of pressure when i walk but he/she seems to be comfortable in there and doesnt want to come out!

Good luck to everyone,, we will all be mummies soon

Sam & Bump

Hi all,
I'm due today!
But not signs, drinking raspberry tea, hubby taking me for a curry tonight.
NO twinges, just uncomfortable in the hips, and heart burn all night!!

not lost plug yet, is 2/5 engaged.... nervous but excited!
i lost plug almost 2 weeks ago still no baby :( feel him/her wiggling its way down lol its like its kicking my ribs to push itself down. gettin excited tho now
Hypnorm its my EDD today too! :D

im exactly the same no signs yet not even a twinge :evil: have tried taking long walks, raspberry tablets and curries for a while now with no luck! lets hope we arent waiting much longer


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