Nearly had a crash earlier...


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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...went out with bam this aftie, when her dad had left, had 2 more sets of traffic lights before i got to morrisons.

I heard a screeching noise, so instinctively i rammed the brakes on....

I was about 5cms away from the van infront :(

3 cars and a van crashed into each other...

god i was sooo scared, bam didnt even flinch bless her...

i was shakin for ages after...

soooo horrible. its the first time ive had to do an emergency stop, if you dont count the one in my test and the squirrel incident lol
God sorry to hear that! Hope you are ok :hug: :hug:
Bee said:
God sorry to hear that! Hope you are ok :hug: :hug:

Were fine now ta hun. Just cant believe how lucky we were!
Yeah - its horrible to nearly be involved in something like that :(

I was with a BMW driver who decided he didn't want to be driving anymore - he slammed his brakes on and I nearly ended up on top of his car. I was shaking and crying for hours but nothing happened.

I'm bad with the "what ifs"
I hope yoiur not too shaken hon, hate stuff like that car stuff can really shake you up!!

I had to stop behind a lorry as he had to use up the whole round about and the car behind was going to fast when he saw I wasn't moving I heard screeches and he missed me by about a foot by mounting the roundabout instead!!!! I wasn't until I got home that i realised what could have happened, I would have been pushed into the lorry's wheels!!
God im glad you both are ok....iv seen a fair few accidents like that travelling back and forth from OH's...scare me knowin that it can happen any time and doesnt have to be even your fault!
take care
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It's horrible when that happens! Thank God you were both okay :hug:
Glad your alright! Driving is alot more scary when you've got your kids/bump in the car! Since being pregnant I don't wanna drive as I get a bit panicky on motorways (esp slip roads) but then DH rightly says that you can't stop living, you just have to be as careful as you can, plus you can be a passenger/on a bus/taxi and still be at risk. x

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