Nearly crashed car today..


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I was driving my teenager into town and nearly crashed into another car on the motorway. Everything was fine and nothing happened but it shook me up so bad and I was panicking and crying all the way there. Then my son was shouting at me to be careful etc, and of course, I got myself in a state. Bloody hormones!!! Now i'm really upset and don't want to drive but I have to cos hubby doesn't have a licence yet. The bus stop is too far away and I'm really worried I might crash with the baby in the car one day. I don't want to end up so scared that I won't drive at all anymore.. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Awww bless - glad you're all OK. I can imagine how frightening it must have been for you. :hug:

I know you probably don't feel like it much right now, but you MUST get back in that car as soon as you can. The longer you delay it, the more fearful you will become and by the sound of it, you can't afford to lose the freedom of using your car.

Take a bit of time out and then do what you know you have to.

Take care flower - and remember - don't be too hard on yourself . No harm done. :hug: :hug:
Thank you moomum :hug: Carrying a baby just makes you feel so vulnerable, weepy and over-protective.
I know. Even the smallest things feel a hundred times worse, but like I said, no harm done :wink:

Now - go and enjoy the rest of your day :)
Poor thing you must have got an awful fright :hug: , well thank god you are all ok and dont worry about driving again you will be fine - just take it slow
so glad u are ok and your family.

just relax and dont use the car if u can for a day or so , give u time to get over it.
I remember how that feels, you go into real shock. Don't underestimate how much time you might need to get over it and feel calm again. It's not something you can deal with completely rationally and I bet it's even worse when the parenting hormones are surging! Relax and take care :hug:

I fell off my bike yesterday :oops: slipped on some leaves as I was setting off. On the plus side I wasn't hurt and it has made me take extra care. Rather now than later when I might be blase about how much my balance is affected and do the same in traffic...
Glad everyone is alright.

I've decided to stop driving as I feel that my reactions are just not as fast as they were and I'm scared of having an accident.

How long will it be before your OH passes his test?

Drive carefully, there are so many bad drivers out there. xxx
Sorry I don't know what I've done. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Thought I was starting a new topic. xxx

Just ignore this one. xxx
NIE said:
Glad everyone is alright.

I've decided to stop driving as I feel that my reactions are just not as fast as they were and I'm scared of having an accident.

How long will it be before your OH passes his test?

Drive carefully, there are so many bad drivers out there. xxx

Thanks all for your kind support, I feel lots better now :hug:

I've been driving for ten years and never crashed, but been hit twice by stupid drivers, (which both denied they hit me!). Here in Spain though, they don't know what indicators are for, and there are alot of either geriatric people going 20 kph on the motorway, or reckless teens in flashy cars zigzagging through lanes! Plus I find spanish men pretty aggressive over here, quick to go nuts and lay blame.

I have to be so careful, and my concentration is not its best with the pregnancy for some reason.

DH is waiting for some paperwork to apply for a licence. Hopefully he'll have passed his test by the time LO is born next year.
I know how you fel - i crashed on the motor way and was left with a head injury - still suffer from it now abit and it was over 5 years ago. I can honestly say that you HAVE TO GET BACK IN THE CAR. |I now have to drive for a living and i am certainly more careful than i ever have been. Once you have done it you will feel better, i promise x x x
the girls are right you do need to face your fears as soon as possible yes i know its horrible and frightening but you can do it :hug: :hug:
I've scraped the side of our car twice in about 2 months...I hate driving it - it's a massive Citroen Picasso. I sold my little car...don't like driving big cars.

Hope you're feeling less shaken up now.
awww hunni :hug: I panic when driving and won't over take at the moment :roll:

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