Nearly a Year


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Well it's nearly been a year since my mc, but it still hurts & there isn't a day I don't think about my little bean.

The reason I'm writing this thread is because I'm hoping someone can offer some reassurance. After my mc I didn't get a period for 7 months, since then they have been so irregular. I never thought it would take so long to conceive again.

Has anyone else experienced this? Other people I know who mc same time as me are pg again & due in the nxt few months. Why is it taking me do long? I find it so frustrating!

Hey Amber, in two weeks Im a year since my mc and I bled for a month or so every two weeks for maybe 2 months then Ive had nothing since. I know what you mean about everyone else being pregnant now. Some peoples bodies just tale time to repair apparently! Fingers crossed for BFP's soon!
I bled for nearly 3 weeks wen I had my mc, I did have another bleed 7 weeks after that that lasted 2 weeks but I don't count this as a period as the nurses said that wud happen. I am taking agnus castus to try & regulate my cycles, they gave reduced but I'm still not having 28 day cycles.

I just can't understand how ppl can fall pg do soon after mc. I just keep asking myself 'why not me?'.
Im echo all your feelings honey! I was under the illusion that I would have been pregnant at the very least by my due date, than changed it to my mc date. Not happened now and Im looking at an 18 month wait for IUI and dont have a cycle! It just doesnt seem fair sometimes!
Hi Amber :)

:hugs: I started ttc over a year ago, mc in august I was 11-12 wks took 3 months to get AF and 5 to fall pg again. Before my mc my cycles were so long. Earlier this month I totally hit a wall with the whole thing and called the doctor who advised as my bloods were normal then having a scan with a view if it was pcos to start metformin if not then I was going to be referred to the fertility specialist.

It made such a difference to my frame of mind knowing this because I took AC,EPO and lots of other things but it still wouldn't regulate properly and I know ladies who sadly mc'd same but caught again very soon. All I can say is just don't give up, it will happen again!!!!!

Speak with your doctor and get the ball rolling the stress off your mind may help things along naturally, I'm a victim of my own stress levels which definitely affects my AWOL periods.

Laurat it must be hard for you to still not be having cycles, even tho mine aren't regular I can't imagine to still not be having them.

Sunbeam, I keep looking at it as though I've only really had 3 periods since mc. So that's only 3 chances to conceive, which isn't alot I suppose. Last month was the 1st month I used opk's so that was the first month we dtd at the right time. I must admit I thought I wud of been pg from that cycle & was pretty disappointed wen af arrived. I shouldn't of got my hopes up really.

I didn't want to go to docs just yet as I feel it's still too early & my body really is just starting to get back to normal. It sounds silly but I want to fall pg on my own, I don't want any help, does that make sense?

Yes it totally makes sense hun. You need to do what's right for you :hugs:

I found the lack of AF after mc was adding to the stress of ttc, I called the doctor and a week later I get a bfp...strange how things happen.

Everyone takes different times to get their AF back to normal but your doing everything you can naturally. Stay positive xxxxx

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