

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Ok so I have no symptoms at all up until now.. I'm
Nearly 6 weeks.. Then yesterday and today I have been feeling really nauseous and has bad headache. Haven't physically been sick but feel rough, actually feels like a ba hangover and can't be bothered to move and only thing can face is toast with butter! Is it normal to just feel nauseous without being sick? It's pretty much there most of the time and doesn't really ease off.. Anyone else had this? Was complaining about no symptoms last week, so I'm hoping this is a normal pregnancy sympton and I'm not just coming down with a bug or something.
Hollie x
I can empathise. I had really bad nausea 2 afternoons/evenings last week. But then Friday I came down with another cold (2nd 1 in a month thanks to baby group!) and haven't felt as sick, think my brain can only cope with minimal at a time atm lol
Ahh maybe I need another ailment to take my mind off it. I had a cold a couple of weeks ago and did wander if I might be coming down with something again but I don't think.. Just feel like I drunk too much last night (I wish...!!) x
Don't worry that's exactly how I was, only lasted about 2 weeks, but even now sometimes like when I've been toilet I get that hungover not wanting to move sort of sickness but only thrown up 2 times, when Brushing teeth!
i can deal with the nauseous feeling, here to more of that rather then the actualy throwing up x
I have been feeling sick since about week 5, I think Ihave got used to the feeling now cos I don't whinge about it as much :)
When I was nearly 6 Weeks the nausea started. I remember going round Tescos and making heaving up noises when I was looking at the food! Think people thought I had torretz or something. LOL!! A couple of days later the throwing up started! Have had that almost every day since and I'll be 11 Weeks tomorrow!
Oh my nausea kicking in yesterday! Blimey it's horrid!! I feel like I'm constantly hungover!! I had the feeling of wanting to be sick the whole day! I just wanted to sleep but couldn't as I felt like I was going to be sick everywhere!

My appetite has vanished. Constantly drinking juice then trotting off to the loo!!

Don't want to sound like I'm complaining as I know it's because I'm cooking a baby but man I can't wait for it to end!! X
Ah yuk, me too!!!! First couple of weeks I had awful headaches, then at week 5 I was soo ill, like the worst hangover EVER! I was sick the whole blooming night, and then it changed into constant nausea, the hangover feeling but without the being sick part. Then at about week 8 a whole weekend was spent in bed with the same hangover feeling and throwing up as 5 weeks, and currently I am back to the lingering nausea. And at week 9 the exhaustion really kicked in, too! I am CONSTANTLY exhausted to the point where I feel like I'll just fall asleep standing, but then at night I can't sleep because of vivid dreams and loo visits...oh the joy! You're not alone! xxx
Just this afternoon my sickness has vanished!!! Got no feeling of wanting to be sick of any kind??? So i've had 5 days of the most horrific nausea and now nothing!! I will enjoy it whilst it lasts lol xx
I had terrible day yesterday. Just nausea but it was horrible. I knew from the night before that I was feeling dodgy before going to sleep and sure enough woke up feeling that way yesterday morning. But I felt eating helped. So last night I had a wee plain oatcake straight before going to sleep and I feel great today. Might be a fluke, but I will be eting oatcakes every night before sleeping now!!
I still havent actually been sick but just feeling nauseous on and off
this morning actually opened my eyes thinking "im going to be sick" nice way to wake up!!
It honestly feels like the worse hangover
trying to eat plain things but also drink as much as poss
fizzy water helps a bit
hoping it wont hang around too long!!
I found drinking cold diet coke helped me. I had two glasses of it earlier and felt fab xx
I've been feeling really nauseous too but ginger nuts have saved me! I know it sounds weird but my sister found some info about ginger being good for when you feel sick and suggested ginger nuts to me so now I have some in my drawer at work and in the cupboard at home and I nibble on one if I feel queasy and *touch wood* it's sorted me out every time, I can't believe how something so simple can be so blooming miraculous!
I,ve had my nausea for a about a week now and only vomited a couple of times, but I have had a cough for a little while and i,m coughing so hard I think thats making me sick more lol. I am six weeks and five days now and by this time with my two boys I was never out of the bathroom.
I'm scared of feeling sick again. I got it really bad earlier this year, felt nauseas all day every day from 7 weeks and also was sick most mornings and sometimes up to 5 times a day. Really really not looking forward to this part of tri 1. I did find that sea sickness bands helped ease the nausea slightly. xx

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