I remember answering this question when I was doing my A levels, but since having Emma I have been thinking about it alot. I watch her personality develop and wonder why she does the things she does. My parents make me laugh because if she does something good or clever then it is in her genes but if she does something naughty or unacceptable then it is my fault
I personally think that both factors play a role, our genes form alot of who we are, but children learn by copying and immitating, so I think it is mostly nurture and outside factors.
So what do you think, is your personality formed by your genes or by outside factors and your upbringing?
I personally think that both factors play a role, our genes form alot of who we are, but children learn by copying and immitating, so I think it is mostly nurture and outside factors.
So what do you think, is your personality formed by your genes or by outside factors and your upbringing?