Natal hypnotherapy


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well, I have just got my first CD on this :yay:
It's just the birth preparation that I have, I've not bothered with the relaxation in pregnancy one as I'm not really a stressy person anyway (bar tri1, I was a total stresshead then).
Must find out when is the best time to start listening to it. I'm bidding on another one as we speak and have been the proud owner of an inspirational birthing book for some time now :yay:
Really want a home birth, but I'm too scared that baby would need something medically that I can't give it, but planning on spending most of my labour at home. Anyone else looking at this option as opposed to medically-managed pain relief?
I've decided I'm going to give it a try. You've just reminded me that I need to sort this out and figure out where and when we need to go to the classes. I'm not really expecting it to replace the need for medical pain relief, but I hope it will make the whole process a bit easier. I am opting for a hospital birth, but that's because I have a pre-existing medical condition which means I'm on shared care under the supervision of a consultant.

The reason I'm thinking of this is that I have a really low pain threshold and the thought of the pain of labour terrifies me. If I'm ever constipated I only make myself worse because I'm so scared to go to the loo in case it hurts, and child birth is a lot scarier than that! So I'm hoping the classes will help me to relax and stay much calmer through the labour and if I'm calmer and more relaxed then the pain will be less because the muscles aren't as tense. That's the theory anyway. Ask me again in about 6 months whether it's worked or not!
The idea of birth hasn't scared me yet, and I have a high pain threshold so I'm hoping to go as far as poss with no medical intervention, I hoping I get snowed in so I have to have it at home :lol: having said that, my concern still is that if baby needs something medically that I can't give it. I think it would be an awesome experience to be able to do it with no help or intervention. :)
I sound like a bit of a hippy eh? :lol:
I'm going to use the hypnobirthing CDs and having a home birth with a pool. If your pregnancy progresses ok a home birth should be fine, you get more attention as midwife stays with you unlike in hospital. They have an ambulance on standby too incase anything happens. Read up on it, you might decide it is for you.
I'm in northern Ireland tho and they seem a bit backward about that sort of thing over here. I'm seeing my midwife soon so I'll run it by her x
I mentioned about a home birth but MW says not for the first one - I am going to try the hypnobirthing - princess there are a load of ladies in NI that provide one-on-one classes I am thinking of going with a lady in bangor :)
Really? It's moreso a midwife who is willing to do a homebirth that I'd need. I'll ask mine about it in a couple weeks when I see her. I really really want one and was speaking to my mum about it earlier and she says I should push for it if I want it.
I think I'll get on fine with just the CD on the hypnotherapy front, it's the actual birth that I need the help for :( x
Hi Princess!

I've been doing Hypnobirthing (American version) and started my classes at 24 weeks. I read the book and have been listening to the CDs almost every day since then. The other couples on my course opted for home births and they are being attended to by a Midwife and a Doula.
I'm not confident enough to do it at home, but don't want the medical intervention so I've oped for a Birthing Centre. It is solely run by midwives and the only pain relief options are gas and air or morphine. There are only 4 birthing rooms there and they are like rooms in a Bed & Breakfast. There's a double bed, 2 sofas, birthing ball, birthing stool, private bathroom, access to a birth pool or a blow up one if other one is being used, not to mention a private courtyard. They have a breastfeeding policy and insist on skin to skin contact for at least an hour after the birth. They also won't cut the cord until it ceases to pulse unless, of course, there's a problem. My hubby is allowed to stay with me at all times and is even allowed to sleep over with me after the birth - no visiting restrictions. The beauty of this place is that it's right next door to the main hospital, so if there are any complications we can be whisked through a couple of corridors to be seen to.
I think most birth centres are like this, so if you're still unsure about a home birth, this is the next best thing (IMO) :)
The only con - if it seems like a con to you - is that you have to leave within 24hrs of giving birth. However, as far as I see it is that if my birth is straight forward, requiring no medical intervention then I'll want to go home as soon as possible anyway.
Definitely do some research into it - in fact, someone posted an article about home birthing a few months ago. It was looking at all the pros and cons of a home birth and the pros seemed to outweigh the cons if I recall correctly.
Anyway, good luck in what ever you decide! Don't be bullied out of a home birth either! :) xx
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It's every womens right to opt for a home birth if you want one and the midwives can't force you to go to hospital, so stick to your guns if that's what you want x

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