Nasty midwife


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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my midwife was horrible today, gave me no results from my diabetis tests even though im showing signs, the hospital did the tests but didnt put the results. She measured me and said i was very "flabby" yes i am a size 18 and this is my 3rd child so i expect i am, what does she want me to do diet?? Im 32 weeks pregnant!!!!!!! She told me nothing about the babys position or how low it was and said i would just have to put up with the SPD pains as it was too late to be refered. I forst went to the doctors with it at 17 weeks, so i just feel let down and messed about. I came out crying in the end!! :x
what a bitch!!!!!! sorry u had a horrible time hun, will u b able to get another nicer midwife next time?? :hug:
What a nasty bitch!!! How DARE she call you flabby!! :shock: I would be complaining about her chick, and you can insist on seing another midwife when you go again, you dont even need to explain why you dont like the other one.

I had a nasty one during my pregnancy, and she resorted me to tears once I was dreading her being on duty in hozzie when I went in, but she wasnt and all the midwives were fantastic...

Sending you a bigggg hug :hug: to cheer you up. Dont let the nasty witch ruin your day, she is probably a shrivelled up old hag who is jealous of your lovely pregnant body :hug: xxxx

Thats aweful what a cow!! I would of punched her in the face i think, :lol: then blamed it on my hormones.
I think you should complain she had no right ot say that about you hun
Katrina :hug:
OMG what horrible treatment, I tell you my DH comes to every single appointment with me, if one of them dared open their month and said something like that to me they would seriously regret it - I can't believe she said that to you, what a cow - why are these people even midwives to begin with? :shakehead:
What a horrible woman. Sometimes I don't think that midwives are fully aware of the effect that they can have on us - no excuse for such rude and unkind behaviour though.
I'm not surprised you feel messed about. Might be worth a letter or something at some point??[/quote]
She sounds like a right cow there was no need for her to speak to you like that. I would definitely write a letter of complaint to the practice manager. Make sure your next appointment is with another mw.

Thanks for your lovely replies, maybe i will write a letter of complaint when i'm ready, there were so many things she didn't do and left out. My husband can only get time off for scans so my mom said she will come to the next one and give her what for!!x :)

:hug: claire :hug:
I think your MW treated you very insensitvely indeed!!
Have you considered booking an appointment with your Doctor? As he/she will be able to advise, talk to you regarding your pregnancy, and you could voice your concerns to them too as to why you felt the need to see a Doctor as well as a MW :hug:
I had the GTT test, but the hospital phoned me the next day with the result, could you ring the MW at your hospital? They may be able to give you the result over the phone :think:
I think it imortant you get piece of mind, and do that any way that you can that you're comfortable with, and I am certain if anything was needing more attention the MW would have said, though she certainly should of kept it buttoned as to a few things she did say :hug:

Best Wishes Claire :hug:

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