Nasal congestion / pregnancy rhinitis


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
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(TMI Alert!) For 3 weeks, my nose has been running, can feel it trickling down the back of my throat constantly, it's bloody revolting, making my nausea worse and I'm sure it's giving me bad breath too. :(
I've looked up pregnancy rhinitis (as I'm certain that's what it is), and all the websites say it usually clears up "a few weeks after giving birth".
!£&@£&!##%!! (I'm only 12weeks now!)
Please, someone tell me you've had this and it goes away - like at 13 weeks! Pleeeease! Xxx
Oh dear :-(
I'd never even heard of it before! I wake up with a stuffy nose and sneeze a lot but that seems to be it x
I'm a bit snotty in the mornings too. I hope it clears up for you soon.
I wish I'd never heard of it! First saw it on my iPhone app called "sprout" and thought "oh dear that sounds familiar".
It's all day, every day. I'm going through so many tissues! For the first week I hoped it was a cold. Fat chance though. It's making me so miserable. *grump*
my nose is stuffy in the morn and evening but thought it was hayfever! didnt know it was a pregnancy symptom! x
I've had a permanently stuffy nose for weeks now. I can't quite remember when it started (~ week 8) but it's not the most pleasant thing in the world. Thankfully mine doesn't really run as if I have a cold, it's just always partially blocked no matter what I do.

Staying upright seems to improve it lots so I now have 6 pillows to sleep on at night otherwise I wake up very early because I can't breathe.

LOL I guess I'm not much help here but at least I can really sympathise :)
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I'm afraid in my case I've still got it and now I'm apparently snoring like a trooper because of it ! :(
I've never heard of that, sorry, it sounds horrible though! I have been suffering with a constant blocked nose and lots of mucus in my throat (TMI!!) for a few weeks. It's not really runny though. I went to the docs - for a urine infection, yesterday and whilst i was there i mentioned the blocked nose and he just told me to try Vicks Vaporub and said it's a common symptom of pregnancy. Maybe go see what the doc has to say? The things we have to go through hey!! xx
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