Nappy change hell


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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Changing my son is an absolute nightmare at the moment. His nappy rash is almost gone, thanks to the creams we got from the doc - but nappy changes have been even worse this week because it was obviously sore.

However, in general they are nightmarish because he's very heavy and strong, he kicks (the air, me, anything in reach) and screams and cries. I've tried singing to him, giving him stuff to hold and look at. Nothing seems to work. This evening was horrible. I ended up shouting at him, which didn't help and made me feel awful :sad:

Any ideas of how to make nappy changes more pleasant???
Can you not hold both ankles in one hand to lift him up?
No. He's too strong, he just thrusts both legs about and stuff goes everywhere. He's 16 months and well over 2 stone in weight.
Will he relax if he has something to play with in his hands, my 2 year old can be a nightmare but give him bricks and he is better?

Sorry just re read you said he is no different with something to play with.....
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He's ok if I introduce something new every time, but if I try to give him something to hold that he's held before, he just throws it away or at me, depending on how cross he is!
I'll be honest I went through a similar stage with my LO around the same age and the best thing I found was to change him downstairs and pop the telly on. It always distracted him enough to lay still and let me change him. He did grow out of it eventually, but I do still pop ceebeebies on the odd time to distract him. If my LO has had a sore bum here generally doesn’t like having it changed for a while afterwards. He's been know to run off mid nappy change with poo still on him shouting 'sore sore!'.
I'm in the process of potty training my 2 year old as she constantly did this too. It wasn't a phase for her and she's a biggun. Now I stream Peppa pig on my phone and give it to her otherwise it's shitgate!
My boy was like this too, and I learned to change wet bums while he was standing up! Cut out a lot of the stress, so we only battled when he had poo'ed!
Jess stands up at her play station or table with something to entertain her, and I've gone to pull ups in the day. Much happier nappy changes!
Oh gosh, when my sons bum is sore it was almost impossible to do on my own. He'd clench or thrash or both. I'd try to do it quickly with one wipe. If my OH is around it was a two man job. One holding our son down and talking to him (he'd scream through the talking) and the other wiping.
My LO is 9 months old ive got the same problem.. hes only small yet I can not hold him still do it! I try and distract him or eat his feet .. give him things I don't usually let him have .. like a close bottle of baby powder or set of keys for the 1 minute lol. xx
My LO loves to drink so I try and change him when he's having a drink that way he is generally more cooperative. It's so hard tho he thrusts and turns which is so difficult to change him !!x
Pull up's. The pampers ones because thry're pull up nappies rather than training pants? Change wet nappies standing that way you only have a battle with no.2's x
Thomas is only 1 but I count if singing doesn't work and he's normall still for that. Is there any other way you could get his attention? Like talking and asking him to clap etc..?
I think I'll get hold of some pull up nappies to try.

Kathryn - I've never tried asking him to do something like clap while I'm changing him, so I'll try that today!
Olly usually isn't bothered about nappy changes but if he does get frustrated then I sing to him or count to 10 with him and that has usually given me enough time to get it done


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