

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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my OH and i want to start stocking up on nappies now but i am not sure how much of each type to buy...

should i get a lot of newborn size or just a few packs and wait to see how big she is when she is born? I have no idea...
I stocked up on several packs of each size starting with newborn size then Maddison arrived at only 4lbs 15oz and they were all too big for her so we had to go find prem baby nappies :roll: Probably worth just buying a couple of packs of the first two sizes and wait and see how big LO is :hug:
we got 2 packs of 52's newborn pampers and i had a pack of asdas and we used them all and still needed to buy some.
Austin was 8lb 6oz born & only wore the size 1 nappies for 2 weeks. I had about 2 or 3 packs which did us fine. Stock up on size 2s, even if baby is born small s/he will fit them eventually and you can always go out & buy some smaller ones after the birth if need be.
I wouldn't buy more than a couple packs of the first size just incase you have a big baby and they don't fit for long. I would also buy a few different brands to try so that you can see which brand suits your baby best.
newborn size is from 4 to 11 pounds, melissa was in them until she was about 8 or 9 weeks old i think

the most pointless ones i thought was size 2 (6 to 13 pounds) coz no sooner was she out of size 1 (newborn) then she was ready for size 3 (9 to 20 pounds) pretty much str8 away
Just buy a few newborn and a few of the next size up. I stocked up on nappies before LO arrived too (stocks are now rapidly diminishing!) but LO wasn't in newborn too long and I ended up with 2 brand new, un-opened packets that just didn't fit him (Pampers, size 1) I took them back to Sainsburys though who thankfully changed them for me to size 3 since I was well stocked up on size 2's also!!
Great question ive been wondering this myself :)

So how many approx would u buy in each size? Would you say to buy a couple of different brands in each size too?
asda nappies are great.. and the 1st size ones r only 1.50 i would say 2 packs of each 1,2,3 sizes just for now..
thanks guys thats useful.. I've bought 3 packs of 4-11lbs and will get probably 3 packs in the next sizes too... i checked with Boots and they will exchange if they are wrong size too...
I've just bought 3 packs of size 1 and 2 packs of size 2.

I'm lucky that I stay really close to 24 hour supermarkets incase hubby had to run out to get more so I don't think I'll buy any more until I know how big he is. xx
ive got 1 pack of size 1.. and reusables..

only got the newborn ones for just incase i have to go into hosp :( dont want to..dont want to use them.. but might do just to use them up. they only cost 1.50 and newb poo is yukkey!
lisa&alex said:
asda nappies are great.. and the 1st size ones r only 1.50 i would say 2 packs of each 1,2,3 sizes just for now..

yea i like asdas, wonder how much delivery would be :think: prob have to spend £25 or smething unless free then i be spending :D

should of got em when i was there yesterday :doh:
lisa&alex said:
asda nappies are great.. and the 1st size ones r only 1.50 i would say 2 packs of each 1,2,3 sizes just for now..

I think Asda nappies are awful!!! I am guarenteed a wet bed if Arianna has them on all night - strange how everyone has their favs!! I'm not a fan of pampers either - Huggies for me!!!

I would only get 2 packs of newborn and 2 or 3 of the next size up.

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