Names for twins!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Hello ladies,

soooo we still don't know what we're having yet, but we're very anxious to hopefully find out next week!!! eeek

Anyway... I've had a list of baby names I love since I was a kid and now that we're having twins I'm trying to find out which of the names would go well together!!

Soo I'd like your opinion! Here's a list of the names we have picked out - feel free to combine them for girl/girl, boy/boy and boy/girl twins! If you have any other suggestions that you think I (or we) could like feel free to add them!!

Boy names: Jack, Milo, Charles, James, Julian, Samuel, Jacob, Jasper, Jackson (we have a lot of boy names starting with J ;))

Girl names: Evangeline, Clara, Amanda, Lorna, Liliana, Isobel, Poppy, Tammin, Vivienne, Beatrice

We really like Jack and Evangeline, but anyone who knows Lost probably agrees that's a no-go ;) Although we actually like them because we think the names are pretty, not because of the show...

Thanks for your help!!

UPDATE: we are having a boy and a girl!!
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ooohhhh exciting! congrats on twinnies missy. Good luck with Gender scan :)

hmmmmm, i like:

Boy/Boy Twins: Jacob & Milo
Girl/Girl Twins: Clara (my fav girl name) & Lilianna
Girl/Boy Twins: Clara & Jacob

Good Luck sweetie :)
Have you been told yet if they are identical?? That way you know if they are going to be same gender :lol:

(not sure if they are able to tell you that at dating scan?)

I am immediately biased as you have my children's names on your list. Son is James and daughter (due in 8 weeks) will be Beatrice.

I also like Jacob and Jack, Isobel and Vivienne.

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I like Jasper (that's my son's name) and Poppy x
Oh i just adore names Evangeline and Vivienne!!! so surely i chose these 2. As for boys i think i would take Jasper and Julian)
Thank you girls so much for your replies!!
I actually love all the combinations you suggested! haha it's going to be a tough decision.. I hope it'll be a little easier once we know what we're having haha

The doctor assumed they were fraternal, but he couldn't say for sure.. and we have no twins running in the family...
Is there anyway we could have it tested? I mean if they are b/g I guess there'd be no sense in testing haha, but in case we have "two of a kind" I'd like to know anyway haha :p
I'm not sure hun, just wondered if they had told you at 12 week scan if twins were identical or not (I am not sure if fraternal twins share the placenta or not? Identical do though?? I think and that is how they could tell you??)

Just commenting on the identical twin thing (as ever...). Id twins - 33% have separate sacks and placentas (diamniotic, diazygotic), 66% have separate sacks and shared placenta (diamniotic, monozygotic) 1% have same sack and placenta (monoamniotic, monozygotic). It's all to do with how long it takes the egg to split in two after conception - if early on then separate everything, if very late then shared everything; the latest split resulting in conjoined twins. All fraternal twins have separate sacks and placentas (although in some cases the placentas can fuse making it appear as one though usually obvious at birth). In the majority of cases, people are told their twins are fraternal if they have separate placenta's and this is not always true. You can pay for a DNA test after the birth but if your twins look uncannily alike, the chances are they're identical no matter what the scan may indicate!! Massive congratulations and good luck!! x x x
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Just commenting on the identical twin thing (as ever...). Id twins - 33% have separate sacks and placentas (diamniotic, diazygotic), 66% have separate sacks and shared placenta (diamniotic, monozygotic) 1% have same sack and placenta (monoamniotic, monozygotic). It's all to do with how long it takes the egg to split in two after conception - if early on then separate everything, if very late then shared everything; the latest split resulting in conjoined twins. All fraternal twins have separate sacks and placentas (although in some cases the placentas can fuse making it appear as one though usually obvious at birth). In the majority of cases, people are told their twins are fraternal if they have separate placenta's and this is not always true. You can pay for a DNA test after the birth but if your twins look uncannily alike, the chances are they're identical no matter what the scan may indicate!! Massive congratulations and good luck!! x x x

Thank you so much! Yeah, I think that's why my doc said he "assumes" they are fraternal... i'm going to ask again when I have my next scan :) It would be nice to know for sure, but depending on how much it costs... I don't think I want to pay a lot of money just to find out, since in the end it doesn't really matter anyway as long as they're both healthy :))

But thanks so much for explaining! I wish my doctor had given me a little more details on this
Isobel and poppy are on my list for girls names so totally biased towards those for a girl / girls. I also like Elodie and Violet just putting them out there!

Boys names I love milo and jasper (although OH has vetoed those!) We have Jonah, Samuel, Caleb and Harris for boys names.

For girl boy combo I'd maybe go Isobel and Jasper but it's tough as I love so many of your names!!
Thanks everyone for the sweet comments!!

Soooo I had another scan today...aaaaand we are team :pink: AND :blue: YAYY!!!
I'm so excited!! Now we have one of each hahah we're so thrilled!

sooo... i guess we can really start to choose names now... I still really like Jack and Evangeline so much, but that'd be too weird... then my next thought was: OH how about James and Evangeline! and then I realized....probably not much better than Jack & Evangeline haha I guess people would just think we chose those names because of Lost...which we really didn't..humm

I really like Milo, too... but I don't really see it together with Evangeline...
which boys name would you combine with Evangeline?

or what would go with Milo? and James? haha ;)

I seriously haven't been this excited in years! Well...actually I have... when I found out I was pregnant...anyways, sorry for my confusing and overly excited post haha :blue: :pink: YAY
i have to edit my signature :D
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My eldest is called Jack so that gets my vote. I like Clara best from your girls list. If Jack was a girl he'd have been called Hannah if that's any help? :)
I'd have something like Aubree and Adam. Because Evangeline is such an unusual name I'd also have an unusual name for the boy. Something like Milo or Ashton. Something not very common xx
Thanks everyone <3

What do you think about Milo and Poppy? And which name would you say goes with Evangeline? Would it work with Milo also? I'm not sure if they go together.. well they're both pretty unusual, but Milo (at least to me) seems like a modern name, while Evangeline is more "classic"..if you know what I mean? Also, I'm not so sure, because Milo is short and has only two syllables while Evangeline has like twice as many.. not even talking about the number of letters haha!

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