Names ending with 'son'


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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I know a kid called Harrison. Someone remarked that it was strange he be called Harrison when his father's name is not Harry.
I know the name was derived from Harry's son, but is it really so strange for parents to choose it for their child regardless of their own names? It didn't occur to me until they said it.

I have a couple of -son names on my 'maybe' list. Just curious if most people expect names like that to match the parents or not.
It wouldnt occur to me to rethink at all if i like a name il go for it regardless xx
If we're blessed with another baby and it's a boy our name we've had picked for ages is Grayson - and no hubby isn't called gray :lol: my hubby has been going gray since 25 and I always wind him up about it. We were looking at names one day and found Grayson - meaning the gray haired ones child. Perfect :)

Don't listen to other people about name choices. They'll just try to put you off :) xx
I know a couple of Harrisons, Jacksons, and even a Benson and none of them are named after there dad. It hadn't even crossed my mind.
I think most of my boy list was all 'sons' :shock:

We loved Carson, Grayson, Mason, Harrison, and Jackson, we obviously went with Jackson.

Surnames have become alot more popular, I wouldnt say its "weird" for a child to be named that, what about those who have the surname say for example Jackson - but the dad isnt Jackson as in the son of Jack? Its a bit weird making that comment I think :lol: If we were all to be named that way, Jackson would be Davidson - and to me thats a bit more odder!

A name is a name, and no matter where you go in the world, you will find people who love your chosen names or hate them. Either way tell them keep their opinions to themself and name your baby what you like.

We will be going with the surname theme but not with 'son' again if I have another boy, but I wont be sharing it until a) I fall pregnant b) find out what I am having :) eep!

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I figured that they were the ones being weird and saying that. One of my -son names is actually my mum's surname. There is noone left to carry that name after her, and I thought it might be nice to preserve it in the family for one generation more in my first born's first name.

Haven't put the possible name or reason for it to my husband yet, I'm just pre-empting possible objections first!
Thats similar to what I did, Jackson is Jackson Derek then his dads surname, I gave Jackson my dads first name. My wee brothers can carry on the name but I wanted something from my dads side on there.

Yeah, I think they are the ones being a bit odd there - that's not even a convention we use with our surnames (like the Icelandic people do, for example). If you like a name, go for it!
Its never crossed my mind to think that. In fact i know someone called Jamie who named their son Jameson and I thought it was weird!! Obviously I understand why they named him it but just thought it was a bit silly I suppose.
I never thought of this, but I also have friends named Grayson, Mason and Harrison and none of them was named after father. But now having this information inside my head I won't pick a name ending with "son", even though I like few of them.

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