my stretchers have arrived :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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i looked in mirror the other morning and i have stretch marks apearing over my tummy... red ones :( i know its all part of being a mummy but i feel so depressed about them. i have always been concious of my tummy anyway and now i have these to contend with. every morning i look in the mirror and they haqve got worse,

i have been smothering myself in plamers concentrated stretch mark cream since day1.... but it has failed me. i feel so misrable and even more self concoious, i keep hiding my tummy from OH becuase i dont want him to see them and think that they are yucky.... i know i being sily beucase so many people get them but.....

:cry: sat and cried on the bed about it, OH was very concerned but i just said it was hormones and feeling fat :-(

i feel like a big stretchy marshmelow!
Aw no, have some :hug:

Just think what a good cause it's for - wear them with pride :D xxxx
Mine have appeared and they are big and red and ewwwwwwyyyyyy.
BUT they are my babies signature on my belly and something that he has given me so rather than get upset about them ( which i have a few times ) try and think that its all worth it and its mother nature doing what she does.
:hug: :hug: I have three on my lovehandle :( I feel your pain :hug:
:hug: They will fade but your babys going to be here forever :)
I thought I'd beaten the buggers this time but in the past week loads of giant purple and red ones have appeared!!
They do fade though. The ones I got from being preggy first time are barely visible now.

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