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Uncomforatble kicking


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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Since i woke up this morning my little man has been kicking almost constantly.
He's lying with his back against my tummy and pushing his feet out which is making my tummy feel really bloated and kicking towards my spine and bum. I normally love feeling him kick but it's starting to get uncomfortable and making me feel sick now.

Does anyone else's LO make them feel this uncomfortable when the kick?
I feel guilty for wanting him to stop!
I can totally relate to that hun - my little man is bein very very quiet today but last week i had some hugely painful sessions of him being awake where i did at several points tell him to go to sleep cos was soooo sore :lol: little tinkers aren't they :) great to hear your wee one is facing the right way though lovely :D thats great news! hope you get some rest from the kicking :hug: x x x x
My little man does this all the time too! He will jsut go on a mad sesh of booting me mega hard! Sometimes it makes me jump as i am not expecting it. It is making me really sore tho :(
My little one packs some painful kicks too, I keep thinking I've still got seven weeks to go which means seven weeks of baby getting stronger which is great but I dread the force of the kicks I'll be getting then.
Aww i get very painful and uncomfortable kicks too hun and I say to her " I love all your little kicks but please for 5 mins just have a rest" lol literally! She can kick constantly in the same place and that place happens to be a painful place (like my ribs or just under them so she feels like she is about to pop through or punches me around my hip and pelvis bones and they are incredibly sore)
My little man also kicks me constantly, and has recently taken to punching me/headbutting me in the cervix which is absolute agony! I generally give him a little rub and ask him nicely to stop! Being a typical man sometimes he does as he is told, and other times he just kicks even harder :D
For the past few weeks, a lot of my kicks have been pretty sore too! When she turns and you see baby parts popping out, it really isn't very comfortable! So I understand where you are coming from completely!
my little man has been giving me some quiet bad kicks or punches on my bladder and it makes me wee lol, little bugger.

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