My son is now officially an Aussie!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Well, he now holds Australian citizenship and we are in the process of applying for his Australian passport also :)

So pleased we are doing this for him. OH is Australian as are all that side of the family and it was important to us that Galen be in touch with that part of his heritage and hold dual passports and so on. OH and I are planning an extended trip to Oz in early 2009 with tentative plans to visit New Zealand with a view to emigrating out there then. OH has lived in NZ before and loved it and neither of us wish to live in Australia long term, so NZ seems like a good compromise. Its somewhere I love the look of so am keen to check it out. Also I'm well used to living outside of the UK having spent most of my 20's overseas. So I don't feel tied to here for any particular reason. Ultimately we want a decent place to bring up our child and to live ourselves. New Zealand seems to fit the bill more so than the UK.

Once we have an Aussie passport for Galen we shall apply for a UK one, but we needed to get the Aussie one before he turns 6 months old.

Just happy its all being sorted for him. Saves lots of hassle should we move to Australia or NZ at any time also.
thats bril hun.

If we emigrated anywhere it would be nz or canada.
Yay, that's fantastic. My cousin is over from NZ tomorrow, I hardly ever get to see her. Would love to go out there sometime, it looks absolutely beautiful.

Dual citizenship rocks! We have Becky registered as a Dutch national but we're not bothering with a passport as since it's in the EU there would be no extra benefits in her having one.
Thats great hun :cheer:
I was in oz for year when I was younger and loved it out there. Would move back tomorrow.
We are looking to emigrate. I really want to get out of England. We're looking to move in a few years once we have settled things here. Looking at Canada or Oz as there are so many jobs on offer in OH's field.
Go Galen.

We are doing the opposie, getting Logan registered as a New zealand citizen to migrate to Australia. luckily no time limit on that.

Sandi4Paul said:
Go Galen.

We are doing the opposie, getting Logan registered as a New zealand citizen to migrate to Australia. luckily no time limit on that.


You know living in Oz atm isn't such a great option tbh. They are in the middle of the worst drought in eons, fams are going bust and prices are rocketing everywhere. Plus the summers are so hot now and no rain hardly ever. Also the Australian Gov is wanting people who emigrate over there to live outside the main 5 cities in the smaller towns and cities etc. And having seen them first hand I can say I'd not want to live in Aussie surburbia. It really has very little appeal. Its not at all like the UK to live then in that respect.

If we spend any time back there it'll be in OH's hone city of Adelaide. We'd not live in the suburbs.

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