Aww you guys are so lovely !!! Im suprised to hear so many of us had not so good experiences, i dont think were that hard tyo put up with are we ? Im really looking forward to my 4d scan now, it wasnt so much the sex, as looking forward to spending some times with babs i was disappointed in, nevermind though, im going to show my midwife my notes, as at the bottom theres a little bit about * it was expained to the patient that an ultrasound cannot rule out . blah blah blah. * But she barely said 6 sentences while we were in there so i wanna see if MW can explain it to me, and might well slip it in that sonographer was a bit of a mega bitch
Im not sure they HAVE to know the sex Redshoes, notes say bladder * appeared full * so so long as thats working i imagine everything else down there would be
thanks again for all your stories and 4d advice, im defs going to mention it to MW to check she could have checked and double checked everything in 10 minutes ( im sure she did but worth mentioning i suppose ), and incase the sonographers got a bit of a reputation for being a meanie !! And 4d shall be booked for 26 weeks ( although the place does offer them from 20 weeks Daffodil
) ive picked the option where you get a 30 minute dvd of the scan. . .
30 WHOLE MINUTES, i dont think i'll know what to do with myself when i wont be craining my head for a quick look in !!!