My scan todayyyyy (possibly yesterday yesterday)

Sorry you had such a rough time with the woman.

we had a pretty heartless bitch (excuse my language) at 14.5 weeks, hopefully the 20 week scan will go better.

We have a 26 weeks 4D scan booked, i think its meant to be on the 20th June. So at least we will hopefully get some good views then.
Aww she sounds like a pain in the a*se hun :wall: Grrr... Glad baby showed her what's what with shaking his/her fists lol :lol:

If she was having a bad day, fair enough, we all have them, but as a sonographer you can't afford to have an "off" day and let it affect your work. Especially when it's such an amazing/scary experience for us ladies... :hug:

The most important thing is that baby is fine. Sex is a bonus but I can understand why you were disappointed. I would have been too babe.

Sorry it didn't go as expected... Hopefully someone else she saw that day made a comment about her and she got a telling off :shakehead: xx
Aww I'm sorry you left upset! :(
They do a lot of measuring on the 20 week scan so they usually turn the screen to them so it is easier! But no excuse for her being a cow! Why didnt she just say that too you? When I had Joseph, the man I got didnt tell me anything! he kept the screen away but didnt say a word! i was so scared! So scared in fact that, they had asked Joe to wait in the waiting room until the measurments were taken then he could come in, I was panicking and mentally calling for Joe to come in and he did! :shock: he walked straight in and asked if i was ok! hee hee That sonographer wasnt nice! Although after that he must have realised how worried I was and started speaking! then he gave me extra pics for free!! :D
Aww you guys are so lovely !!! Im suprised to hear so many of us had not so good experiences, i dont think were that hard tyo put up with are we ? Im really looking forward to my 4d scan now, it wasnt so much the sex, as looking forward to spending some times with babs i was disappointed in, nevermind though, im going to show my midwife my notes, as at the bottom theres a little bit about * it was expained to the patient that an ultrasound cannot rule out . blah blah blah. * But she barely said 6 sentences while we were in there so i wanna see if MW can explain it to me, and might well slip it in that sonographer was a bit of a mega bitch :p Im not sure they HAVE to know the sex Redshoes, notes say bladder * appeared full * so so long as thats working i imagine everything else down there would be :think:

:hug: :hug: thanks again for all your stories and 4d advice, im defs going to mention it to MW to check she could have checked and double checked everything in 10 minutes ( im sure she did but worth mentioning i suppose ), and incase the sonographers got a bit of a reputation for being a meanie !! And 4d shall be booked for 26 weeks ( although the place does offer them from 20 weeks Daffodil :D ) ive picked the option where you get a 30 minute dvd of the scan. . .
30 WHOLE MINUTES, i dont think i'll know what to do with myself when i wont be craining my head for a quick look in !!! :hug: :hug:

You will LOVE the 4d scan! :D

( although the place does offer them from 20 weeks Daffodil )

Thanks for mentioning that. :oops: I thought everyone thought I was fibbing :fib:

Not feeling as insane today anyway...

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