Hello, I am in a bit of a rock/hard place situation and hope I can get some help here. I have one of THOSE mothers in law. How I look, what I do, how I react , how I think, how I organise my life is always discussed in subtle mean criticism ( sometimes as subtle as a buldozer, but my husband loves her so he never picks up). Now that I am pregnant , I was TOLD ( not asked ) that she will be with me in the delivery room and that she'll take care of us since she knows I couldn't deal with it. Already setting up a massive party for all her family for the day I am schedueled to bring my baby home.
I honestly don't give a monkey's what she thinks of me. I have absolutely no issues telling her to go mind her own business, that she will most certainly not be there in the delivery room with me and until me and my baby have established a routine and my post-partum bleeding is under control she can have parties wherever she wants but not near us. Obviously in a more diplomatic way, but my gut feeling tells me this is what I must do to keep my sanity and my plans
The problem is I'm not the only daughter in law. My hubbie's brother is married to Princess Perfect: a.k.a. someone my MIL undertsands and relates to. Of course, my sister in law will do whatever my MIL says and sit wherever she's told ( but then she's a clinically stupid no GCSEs drop-out and I'm a PhD of Law).There has always been a double standard regarding the way we are treated by our inlaws but I understood it and got on with my hapilly married life.
BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO PASS ON TO MY CHILD. I know that the fact that I have my own mind and my own ideas about dealing with my pregnancy will mean my baby will be treated differently from his cousins and I cannot hope that a child will be as mature as me and not get hurt by it. I should also mention that my family lives in another country and we're not at all close so my hubbie's parents are the only chance of grandparents he'll have ( also I might need their help at some point and I expect them to get involved: just not looking at my intimates in the delivery room and having parties around me until I had a chance to be with my baby or "I know best" routines).
Thank you, all suggestions appreciated.
I honestly don't give a monkey's what she thinks of me. I have absolutely no issues telling her to go mind her own business, that she will most certainly not be there in the delivery room with me and until me and my baby have established a routine and my post-partum bleeding is under control she can have parties wherever she wants but not near us. Obviously in a more diplomatic way, but my gut feeling tells me this is what I must do to keep my sanity and my plans
The problem is I'm not the only daughter in law. My hubbie's brother is married to Princess Perfect: a.k.a. someone my MIL undertsands and relates to. Of course, my sister in law will do whatever my MIL says and sit wherever she's told ( but then she's a clinically stupid no GCSEs drop-out and I'm a PhD of Law).There has always been a double standard regarding the way we are treated by our inlaws but I understood it and got on with my hapilly married life.
BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO PASS ON TO MY CHILD. I know that the fact that I have my own mind and my own ideas about dealing with my pregnancy will mean my baby will be treated differently from his cousins and I cannot hope that a child will be as mature as me and not get hurt by it. I should also mention that my family lives in another country and we're not at all close so my hubbie's parents are the only chance of grandparents he'll have ( also I might need their help at some point and I expect them to get involved: just not looking at my intimates in the delivery room and having parties around me until I had a chance to be with my baby or "I know best" routines).
Thank you, all suggestions appreciated.