I think it is mainly my hormones, the slightest little thing gets to me.
He has been violent towards me yes. In the past and even since I have been pregnant. He doesn't beat me up (well he did once ages ago), but he does hit me once in a while, well actually he seems to grab my face more than anything. By that I mean his thumb is on one cheek and his fingers on the other, he does it really hard and I've got a couple of scars from where he's broken the skin. The last time he did anything violent was weeks ago now though, he punched me in the side of the head while we were walking down the street because he was in a mood and I asked him whats up and he said 'I'm ashamed to be seen with you' I said 'Why? Worried one of those little tarts will see us together' (he seems to have a fan club of 17/18 year old girls, he's 19, I'm 21 btw, who wave at him and flash their lights on the car at him in the most desperate way, and he loves the attention
) Anyway, I might of snapped when I said that but there was no need for him to hit me. Since then he has promised he will never be violent towards me again.
Once I phoned his mum when he was acting like a psycho and she said 'I know what he's like he's hit me before' I've seen him hit his 15 year old sister too.
There's one other thing that bothers me about him, more than the violence, he is a liar. He lies about allsorts, serious things, then theres loads of stupid little things. I am such an honest person, yes I've done wrong in the relationship, but I alway's tell him. He lies about stuff and I have to find things out for myself, which I have done loads of times, but then I'm always looking for things and he cant understand why.
I'm not living with him at the moment, we both moved back in with our parent's to save for a deposit on a mortgage, but I've told him I'm not moving back in with him until he changes his ways. My mum and dad want me to stay at home anyway for a while with the baby. We have got enough for a deposit now but I really am staying put for the time being.
Now when I'm reading this back I feel like such an idiot for ever TTC with him, I knew all this before I got pregnant, there were loads of times where I said 'I'm not TTC anymore', but he always talked me round. The first time we TTC it wasn't really thought about as seriously as it should of been, and by the end of the month we decided it would be best to leave it, but I was already pregnant. We only knew for about 2 weeks before I M/C but I already loved it so much. After I miscarried I just felt like I was desperate to get pregnant again and that never really went away. I really do feel like I was blinded by my desperation to have a baby.
Don't get me wrong, alot of the time he's great and we get on really well and have a laugh, but he can just snap at any minute. And he say's some really hurtfull things to me.
At the end of the day though, you can't help who you love, and I do love him. I know it would be best for me to get out of this relationship, but I just can't do it, I love him.