
Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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I had sex with garry on the 31st feb for the last time but i havent had my period this month, i am over a week late, and i am worried i am pregnant, i cant face another miscarrage, and i am to scared to test, i know garry wont stick around again, we r argueing to much, i told him there is a chance i could be and he just sed well will u do wot i sed u should have done with B (abortion) i dont know wot to do,
If you are then thats great but dont be under any illusion that it will bring you both together. You will be better without him. Maybe your body is a bit off the track with what happened.
Lets hope that its good news eh?
i know he wont be there for me B or the baby( if there is one)
i dont know wot has happened, if i am or its just my body messing with me, i am scared to test as i dont want another child with a father who doesnt care, i feel bad enough for B
i am just so confused :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
you might as well test pet, it wont change anything and will put your mind at rest. Have you got tests at home?
:shock: :shock: :evil: :evil:
he said that about B even thou he is here now!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not PG just tested,
layla i am on the pill but was taking over tablets to
have you thought about the injection?

you dont have to worry about taking tablets everyday then
i went to the docs this mornin as i had been feeling sick real bad dizzy etc and everything i had the contraceptive injection on tues and feeling ill ever since and he did a blood test he thinks i may be feeling like this is coz i am PG and the injection is trying to stop it or summit i kinda blocked of i have done to preg test since i last had sex all in the above post and one at the docs that came bck neg but he sed that i have to wait for the blood test but he think i prob am! which means if i am i am 2.5 months PG i am so confused and i have no one to tlk to but u guys about this i am so confused
aw its so horrible having to wait! when do you get your blood test results?? Try not to stress too much (even though its hard) because it wont do you any good health wise. If you are pregnant i'm sure you would adapt and it wouldn't be the end of the world. just think about how much you love B and how much happiness he brings you. I'm sure he would love a brother or sister if you are pg too.

keep us posted!! x
Hi hun

just read this oh my we are both in the waiting game now, i have to wait 2 mor days to find out but might phone tom just in case.
When do you get yours back?
I hope you get the result you wnat and im so sorry Garry is such a jerk.
aww hun i really hope u get the result you want... am alwayz here if u need 2 talk
hayley xx
am on msn if you want to chat at all - thinkin of you.

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