My poor mum


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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Does anyone elses l/o do this.

She is active all the time always kicking and moving around apart from when my mum wants to feel. Every time she puts her hand on my tummy guaranteed l/o will stop moving. My poor mum is getting all upset (although it is quite funny). Just wondering if anyone elses l/o are like this.
yes, mine is too!
hubbie has only felt it move a few times & none of my friends or sister or anyone else has!!

i don't even bother now as i know the minute they put their hand there he/she will stop!!! :wall:

i keep all the movements to myself now!!!

my sis even said to me last fri ' does the baby move a lot coz you never say anything!!!'
My little boy used to be like this, but as he is getting bigger i feel EVERY movement and so does everyone else, dont wish it forward though it BLO*DY hurts!! haha

he is constantly pushing his bum up on my right hand rib area and everyone says what the hell is he doing!! look at the shape of your bump!! xxx
Thats good as long as she will eventually feel her! I will tell her hopefully put a smile on her face :D
Keely, my bump is exactly the same.... people dont need to feel it now they can see it!!

My husband used to get annoyed as whenever I said "oh, quick feel" it'd stop. Now he feels everything - every kick and the hick-ups are hilarious!!

Every evening after I have my dinner she has a little dance in there - honestly it like she's dancing to staying alive by the bee gees with her hands up in the air and her hips moving!! :lol:

Don't worry Imwarr - your folks will feel it real soon!

S. xx
mine is exactly the same... with everyone! as son as they touch or look at my bump all movements stop... DH has only ever seen the little flicks/movements... he has no idea a hand or a leg can pop out...


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