my poor little sister ******big rant sorry*******


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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ok my little sister (well shes18) is pregnant and due in exactly 2 weeks, well last night she phoned me in tears saying that her and her boyfriend, father of the baby, have split up because he has been cheating on her throughout the pregnancy and telling the other girl that he doesnt believ that the baby is his and that he wants to be with this other girl then going home to my sister and saying that he is so happy an dwants to teh spend the rest of his life with her and would she marry him, apparentlyhes been cheating on her throughout the whole of the pregnancy, well it was last week she found out that he had cheated (but not the full extent) and he begged her to forgive him and to make another go of it for the sake of the baby, which she did and then the next day he went to the other girls house and asked her to marry him!
Sorry for the rant just felt so helpless on the phone to her and wanted to get it out of my system so i can be fresh minded for her for when she phones later :(
Sounds like she will be much better off without an @rse like that!
OMFG....what a b*****d :shock:

id kill him chop his bloody bolloks off. how cruel - - - -hope she is okay she shouldnt have so much stress so close to her due date poor thing. send her these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

and for u hun:-
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh bless her i am so sorry, you poor things, tell her to take care of herself & the baby.
:hug: :hug:
thanx girls she wnated to beat him up, you know frist reaction, but i told her she couldnt because of the baby and then i told her we would drive 70 miles at 12 last night to go and get her so she wouldnt have to go home to dad (she lives with our dad) incase she wanted to get away but she said no so i cant really do anything. i might go down on tuesday to see how shes doing if im allowed :hug: :hug: :hug:
:( What a w@nker!
I just dont get some men. She's definatly better off without him. Its nice that she can talk to u about things like that, least she doesnt have to keep them bottled up.

I hate men sometimes! :evil:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know exactly how you feel, my sisters waste of a space useless A-hole boyfriend keeps doing this. When my sister is strong enough emotionally to tell him where to go shes all he wants, when hes got her he doesnt want her and openly cheats on her. Oh I wish I could castrate the low life.

I just get sick of repeating myself tp her sometimes but I want to be there for obviously too
tangerinedream said:
I know exactly how you feel, my sisters waste of a space useless A-hole boyfriend keeps doing this. When my sister is strong enough emotionally to tell him where to go shes all he wants, when hes got her he doesnt want her and openly cheats on her. Oh I wish I could castrate the low life.

I just get sick of repeating myself tp her sometimes but I want to be there for obviously too
well shes only ever had two boyfriends this one and another and the lastone cheated on her to so shes not in the trusting mood with any men other than my dad at the mo, back home we are a really big family cousines everywhere and apparently they are going to "drive him out of town" and she wont get back with him cause the other girl said she wont and if my sis does the girl will come after her and (sorry if this upsets anyone) will stab her in her belly until..... i wont say the rest too upsetting. :cry:
What a delightful couple they will make :roll: :x

Your sister is better off without him :evil:

It's easy for us to say though isn't it? Bless her. Big hugs to her :hug: :hug:
i'm reading this story with my mouth wide open. you only hear of things like this on jeremy kyle or in movies. I'm so sorry and i hope she can move on and still find the strength to raise her child. i'm sure you will be there for her anyway. please look after her :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
laetitia85 said:
i'm reading this story with my mouth wide open. you only hear of things like this on jeremy kyle or in movies. I'm so sorry and i hope she can move on and still find the strength to raise her child. i'm sure you will be there for her anyway. please look after her :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i was just thinking that about jeremy kyle, its the kind of thing that you never expect to happen to someone you know, i will be there for her whether she wants me or not :D
ur poor sis wot a prat her ex and his cheating thing is like

give ur sis a hug from me hun :hug: :hug:
what a tw@t, sounds like your sister would definatly be better off without him, lots of hugs 2 your sister :hug: :hug:
x sophie x
What a d*ck. I don't understand a man cheating on his pregnant partner, in my books it is lowest of the low :twisted:

Hope she feels better soon, I'm sure she can do much better :hug:
Your poor sister! What a good thing that she has a big supportive family, though. There's one thing with this berk going off with that woman - at least they won't spoil another pair. What goes around comes around, though. With a bit of luck he'll get his comeuppance sooner or later. Big hugs to your sis. :hug:
just an update my sis is feeling really low today as inteh past the baby only responded if her OH talked and today he called and the baby started kicking, she has also decided that he can see the baby but only with her there because she doesnt think its fair on the baby having parents which hate each other as our parents split up when we were little and we took it hard, all i can say is that she is a bigger person than i am and iv got to admire her :clap:

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