My OH the mighty brave one = NOT


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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I just had to tell you ladies how much of a man my OH is, YEAH

Last night i woke up at 1am wanting him to go and fetch my the gaviscon, he was already awake and holding his stomach in pain he said " it was a pain that he never had felt in his life and it was really really intense and hurting" well where he was pointing was just above his belly button, he said it started off everywhere and it was now just there.

It was 1am i was half asleeep, so i told him to go to the toilet and it was proberly

Then he started really rolling round the floor in pain and afterhalf an hour of watching him i thought maybe it could be serious, he phoned his mum and she told him to walk around a bit because it could be wind, but if it got worse to phone the emergancy line at our doctors.

I googled stomach cramps and pains and loads of scary stuff came up, which i decided to tell him ( all this time i was still thinking i am not going to the hospital, getting there and looking a fool if he has wind, of course i never told him this) anyway he then screamed in between saying he couldn't breath or take it anymore to phone the doctors, he phoned and she said have a warm drink ( which i had told him) paracetamal and ring back in a hour ( sooooo not life threatening then)

I asked him if the pain felt like a griping pain, kinda like a contraction and it was coming and going HIS REPLY " look this is much worse than what any woman has to go through to get a blummin kid out believe me" :shock:
I went downstairs to make him his drink and get him a hot water bottle, i told him to get on the toilet and try to do something just to rule wind out......... guess what i heard from the kitchen..... ( tmi) the loudest farting and burping EVER. So when i got back upstairs he was happy to take his hot chocalate off me and sit and drink it, grinning like a cheshire cat that all the pains had gone, it was now 3am!!! What a IDIOT.

Laid in bed just about to go to sleep he confessed that going through his head was " i'm going to die without seeing my baby being born" " what will sara do for money" " i need to sort out my life insurance" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

HE HAD A BIT OFF WIND. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I told him it will be payback in 10 weeks when im in labour and i'll show him really pain!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: awwwwwww, bless him!!

Have you seen the movie The last King of Scotland? Oh the bad wind bit is sooo funny!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: PMSL that is so funny!!! men are so funnyt!! id love to see one go through child birth. they would be writing out their will! :twisted:
SarahH said:
Have you seen the movie The last King of Scotland? Oh the bad wind bit is sooo funny!!

I can't remember that part :shock:

MissSara: that has to be the funniest story I've ever read :rotfl:
emeraldsroses said:
SarahH said:
Have you seen the movie The last King of Scotland? Oh the bad wind bit is sooo funny!!

I can't remember that part :shock:

It's when he had taken Asprin with something else and he thought he was dying from poisoning and then James Macavoy (sp?) stands behind him and holds a big stick round his tummy and pulls the stick in and he does a HUGE fart!! :rotfl:
SarahH said:
emeraldsroses said:
SarahH said:
Have you seen the movie The last King of Scotland? Oh the bad wind bit is sooo funny!!

I can't remember that part :shock:

It's when he had taken Asprin with something else and he thought he was dying from poisoning and then James Macavoy (sp?) stands behind him and holds a big stick round his tummy and pulls the stick in and he does a HUGE fart!! :rotfl:

Oh yeah, now I remember it. That was hilarious :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lol blessa him at least he was thinking of you in his time of wind :rotfl: :rotfl:
Bless him - I can't believe he phoned his Mum in the middle of the night! Bless!

Valentine Xxx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

On holiday last year my OH insisted on keeping me up all night because the skin on his back was agony and stinging... it was sunburn but he made SUCH A FUSS!!!! what a
typical man eh!!!!

saying that im a proper drama queen when im poorly sick so lee has a right life bless him... god help him when we do fall preg n im in labourim such a girl with pain :lol:
Im on your OHS side! im prone to bad wind trapped in my gut and it can be immensely painful - hot drink everytime though, ive never phoned the hospital though lmao!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

So there IS a reason women have the babies then.... :lol:

Glad he is OK, his poor mother getting woken up in the night for that! lol
MissSara said:
I googled stomach cramps and pains and loads of scary stuff came up, which i decided to tell him

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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