my obstetric cholestasis update..........................


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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hi everyone! :wave:
i was diagnosed a few weeks ago with obstetric cholestasis and have been worried to say the least,the condition can cause baby to be stillborn. :(
i am being closely monitored at the hospital to check babys heartbeat and to monitor my acid/liver levels.
when i was diagnosed with the disorder i was told it is usual to be induced at 37-38 weeks to reduce risks to baby.
i saw an understudy of my specialist a fortnight ago who unsettled me alot as she said that there was no reason not to carry baby to term or "whenever he is ready to come out" :shakehead: :x :evil: :twisted:
i saw the specialist today who was aware of my concerns from this last visit and sat and explained to me and OH the risks of both being induced,and going to term (if i went that far as the conditon can bring on early labour)
the risks, me and OH have decided are alot less on being induced so this is what we have decided on.
the cons to being induced he said are that it may not work,if this was the case they would attempt again a few days later,if i or baby was to get distressed during the induction then they would give me a c section which he seemed very against (this is were he felt the risks lied)
i see him again in 2 weeks to give him my final decision,we had already made our minds up before we went in but he said to think about it and tell him in a fortnight,he will then give me a date for the induction if we decided to take this option.

SO! ................... in 3 weeks i am to be induced! :cheer: :dance: :cheer:

i feel so much more reassured by this as the condition has worried me alot. (to say the least) :(
my liver test results today have gone very very high which makes me want to be induced more then ever,initially they were at level 16,they went down last week to 2 and today have shot up to 20!
this explains the chronic itching i have had the last 2 nights which has stopped me getting any sleep and left me feeling very weepy as im so tired (and i'm also covered in scratches like i've been fighting a wild animal!) :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

he said that if i was not induced and went to term,and labour did not start on its own they would induce me at 40 weeks anyway as they would not let me go over term,as the risks get higher to baby even more.
so to us being induced 2 weeks earlier will make no difference except i will feel alot less stressed,its 2 weeks less to put up with this chronic itching but most importantly baby will be born earlier cutting the risks to him. :D

lol so im afraid it looks like im going to be another queue jumper!!
awww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I cant imagine how worried you are.... i'm glad that they agreed to inducing you at 38weeks :D
Oh that's good Clairebear - I'm jealous now - I'm due in 3 weeks so you better not beat me lol!

At least they are looking after you well and you can see the light at the end of tunnel! How exciting - the countdown is on then xxx
I'm glad you had a better appointment today - its so frustrating when you dont see the proper consultant :hug:

Jane x
aw thats great news about the induction. glad you are feeling a bit better about it :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
Glad you have seen someone who gave you al the advice/optons available. You might end up queue jumping me if my littlle one decides to stay inside for the long haul!
The itching must be really uncomfortable but at least now you know that in a few of weeks you'll have the baby and it will all be over.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
the cons to being induced he said are that it may not work,if this was the case they would attempt again a few days later,if i or baby was to get distressed during the induction then they would give me a c section which he seemed very against (this is were he felt the risks lied)

With alice I was hooked up to an CTG for most of my labour so they could monitor for signs of distress - meant i wasn't able to be as mobile as i liked. Ive been told to expect the same this time around.

Ive been told anything above 14 is abnormal.

Im so glad you got some answers today - i hate it when people get fobbed off with a different doc who ends up stressing people out even more. :hug: :hug:

The big count down is on!!

I was started with alice at 37 + 1 and i had her at 37 +2 - it is doable :)
thanks everyone! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

sam,he told me the same as you have said above 14 is abnormal............although he also said even if your levels go down it does not mean the condition has gone or it can not go up again (as mine have done :wall: )

TBH he seemed against c sections in general as he seemed to think they posed more risks then going to term,although there is nothing to say inducing me will result in a c section,either way i feel alot better about the situation,i feel even the itching will be more bearable knowing i do not have to put up with it for too much longer :cheer:
So glad he listened to you and I understand him asking you to take a couple of weeks to think about it it makes sense after telling you all the pro's and con's to give you the oppurtunity to take it all in. Not long now Clairebear I guess you and Samand Alice are in a little OC race :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad your mind has been put at rest a little - we don't mind queue jumpers for medical reasons :)

Better start getting organised :hug:
Mik said:
So glad he listened to you and I understand him asking you to take a couple of weeks to think about it it makes sense after telling you all the pro's and con's to give you the oppurtunity to take it all in. Not long now Clairebear I guess you and Samand Alice are in a little OC race :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i still can't believe a) there is someone due on the same day as me on the forum (in fact there are 3 of us!), and b) two of us have both got the same condition!! Im a little ahead of Claire in the 'race' though as my consultant wants to start me off at 37 & 1. They did with alice and i had her at 37 + 2.

sam,he told me the same as you have said above 14 is abnormal............although he also said even if your levels go down it does not mean the condition has gone or it can not go up again (as mine have done :wall: )

mine levels have gone -

Started at 2 all ok - 5 days later in the 20's - a week later in the 40's - 4 days later 19.

But my liver function has gone down and stayed down.

The first time around i was up and down like a yo yo. TBH i expect them to go up next week - my nan is going in for her up and i can feel myself getting worried even now.

Something my MW did tell me yesterday - she asked if my wee was stronger. She said the meds take the acids out of your blood and you expel them through your wee - making it darker and stronger. I had noticed this weekend it was smelling more (sorry TMI), but then that would make sense if i dropped from 40 to 19. :think:
(quote) i still can't believe a) there is someone due on the same day as me on the forum (in fact there are 3 of us!), and b) two of us have both got the same condition!! Im a little ahead of Claire in the 'race' though as my consultant wants to start me off at 37 & 1. They did with alice and i had her at 37 + 2.

lol i know its a coincidence isn't it! :D
yep not long for you now!! :cheer:
im happy with 38 weeks though! it gives me a week longer to prepare i suppose and i feel i have a date to work to now....... :D

(quote) mine levels have gone -

Started at 2 all ok - 5 days later in the 20's - a week later in the 40's - 4 days later 19.

But my liver function has gone down and stayed down.

The first time around i was up and down like a yo yo. TBH i expect them to go up next week - my nan is going in for her up and i can feel myself getting worried even now.

Something my MW did tell me yesterday - she asked if my wee was stronger. She said the meds take the acids out of your blood and you expel them through your wee - making it darker and stronger. I had noticed this weekend it was smelling more (sorry TMI), but then that would make sense if i dropped from 40 to 19. :think:[/quote]

strange isn't it how they can go up and down so dramatically :think:
my wee has been strong all along TBH,although i am drinking for England and am always very thirsty,on the up side my last few water samples have had glucose in them and they were clear today! :cheer:

lol! i think im being greedy enough with all the ailments on my list!
i think i'll leave diabetes off it! :rotfl:
lol! i think im being greedy enough with all the ailments on my list!
i think i'll leave diabetes off it! :rotfl:

ahh yet another thing ive been tested for :wink: (but its my size & the fact both my nans have diabetes!).

hows the wrists?
(quote) ahh yet another thing ive been tested for :wink: (but its my size & the fact both my nans have diabetes!).

hows the wrists?[/quote]

grrr i really hope you havent got it! :pray:

my hands and wrists are really numb and annoying at the moment with the carpal tunnel.
the splints are great for me and work but i cant wear them as they cover a large part of your hands and arm and as they have to be pretty tight to work they start me itching too bad,i dont wear them anymore but this does affect them a fair bit.
today they just feel numb but they were quite painful yesterday,saying that i would rather have the numbness then the bloody itching! i honestly feel like im being tortured!
Glad you are being well looked after and I think you are definitely making the right decision!!!!

Just you wait, nothing can prepare you for the moment you meet your LO - its the most precious experience ever!!!
EllieBelle said:
Glad you are being well looked after and I think you are definitely making the right decision!!!!

Just you wait, nothing can prepare you for the moment you meet your LO - its the most precious experience ever!!!

many thanks! :hug:
we feel we have made the right decision,i know there are risks either way but we feel the induction is the best way to go!

i cannot wait to meet my LO now! im so excited! :cheer:
im so pleased you and your LO are doing well! :hug: :cheer:
Just popped in here as i noticed your thread. Really pleased you go the earlier date you wanted. I know how bad it is to worry (and itch!) so much! Must add though that please dont worry if you have to have a section as yes the consultant is right there are risks BUT you dont hear of many. Ive had two sections and o.c! and have 2 healthy babies.

Just wanted to reassure you incase you do end up having to have one.

Take care. :hug:
Sam&Alice said:
i still can't believe a) there is someone due on the same day as me on the forum (in fact there are 3 of us!), and b) two of us have both got the same condition!! Im a little ahead of Claire in the 'race' though as my consultant wants to start me off at 37 & 1. They did with alice and i had her at 37 + 2.

I know! Now you've both left me due-date buddies! I'd rather not join your OC club though if you don't mind!

ClaireBear- so glad you've made a decision that you feel happy with. Ignore his worries about the C section- I know I haven't had one but a lot of my friends have and most have elected for a second one, there are risks to everything, including walking down a street but I think you've just got to weigh up what risks you're prepared to take and which you're not. I think that if I were in your shoes I'd have made the same choice. I really hope your itching gets a bit easier again quickly.

Wow- you've not got long now either of you!

Huge hugs to you both :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ignore his worries about the C section- I know I haven't had one but a lot of my friends have and most have elected for a second one, there are risks to everything, including walking down a street

Totally agree with this. I opted for my second one and yes was anxious but it was a wonderful experience and id love to do it again (if hubby would allow :D )

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