My Nephew


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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My nephew and his girlfriend who is 20 weeks pregnant had there big scan yesterday and were told that there little boy has his bowels on the outside of his tummy :( they have to go on thur for a more detailed scan with a specialist, we are all absoloutly gutted for them and there little boy and i would like to hear from anybody who has any experiece of what obsticles they may face in the future.
thank you
I don't have any experience but just wanted to send hugs and best wishes to them.


When I was a kid I knew a woman whos baby was born like this. He had to have this treatment where they make a small incision in the abdomen, cover the organs with a sterile cover and then let gravity pull the organs back into the body over a few days. Once this was done the baby was fine and grew into a normal little terror :lol:
thank you for your well wishes :D we have looked into it the best we can and if it is just the bowels protruding things look very good so at the moment everything is pinned on what the consultant says on thur after he has had a better look, i just feel so sorry for them both they are 20 years old and very scared as i know i would be, what mystefies me is that she had a scan at 17 weeks for a bleed and nothing was seen so we just thought yesterdays was routine and they would find out the sex, they have been more concerned over my pregnancy than there own cos they see me as there old auntie and a bit past it lol.
thanks again i will keep you up to date :D
well my nephew and his girlfriend went for another more detailed scan and as far as they can see it is just the bowel protruding which is bad but could be worse :( they have another appt tomorrow to see another doctor at a more specialised unit and he will run through things in more detail with them thanks for all your well wishes :D
sorry hun i dont really know bout it just wanted to send them my best wishes
well they went for more specialised appt and basically got told the same as they had already, there little boy up to now has alot of bowel outside and instead of just pushing it back in straight after birth they will bag the bowel and gently squeeze it back in over time, poor little mite will more than likely be in hospital for a number of weeks, they also said that he will be very small for gestation but seem quite hopeful things will work out, the main issue they seem to have is infection but i suppose they will dose him with antibiotics after birth, thank you again everone for you concern and i will promise to keep you up to date :D

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