My nana


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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She had a stroke earlier this year and has never been right since but came home last week anyway. She ended up back in hospital at the weekend.

Now she's all confused, she doesnt know who any of us are anymore and keeps asking where her husband is and why he wont go in and see her. He died 20 years ago :(

Josh is upset and doesnt understand whats happening, he just wants to see her but I cant take him when shes like this cos he visited her the other day and she asked who he was which made him cry, it broke my heart.

I feel so much for my mum cos she's the one who is dealing with it all, she never shows emotion, just gets on with it and stays strong for everyone else.

Its only a matter of time before she's not here anymore and I wont know how to cope, I've never lost anyone before.

Sorry, just had to get that off my chest :oops:
Oh hun im sorry :hug: Its so hard when our loved ones arent the way we remember them anymore.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Do you know what type of a stroke it is? Also is the confussion sudden?
:hug: :hug:
Aww kirsty
u will be able to cope u will just remember the happy times tbh
u will never forget her but tbh time goes on and u do slowly begin to forget to be blunt

i have only ever experienced my grandad dying back in 2001 and to me now hes a distant happy memory of my past and u look back with a smile
tots hope said:
Do you know what type of a stroke it is? Also is the confussion sudden?

Not sure what type it was, she was really bad at first then got better. The confusion has happened in the space of a few days :?
Your nan could have a UTI which makes people very confussed, i cant really say much more than that but it might not be as bad as you think. Really hoping it is just a UTI and nothing more serious.

Has your nan had any other symptoms, like decrease in mobility or appetite?

So sorry to hear about your nana.

In october last year my nana suddenly had a stroke, she was so independant, she is now in a nursing home, she couldn't talk and she still can't walk.

At first she did not know who any of us was but with a stroke you have to take things slow, she knows who we all are now and her speech is 99% back. The best thing we did was made a photo album of everyone and learnt her the names again, her memory is back now too.

I truly know how you feel, it still upsets me now to think that this just happened out of the blue - i hope she gets better and beleive me it will take time.

kirsty i know how hard it can be, my granny has developed very bad dementia over the last two years and its getting very severe. She sits and talks to her own daughter (Gwenyth) who is nearly 50 and says things to her like " where is gwenyth? she was supposed to be home from school by now!" she still thinks she is a little girl :( .
Most of the time she is ok but she has her bad days. She is now in a nursing home as she is deemed a danger to herself because she accidentally set her house on fire.
Plus she had loads of life insurance policies and she cashed them all in and when the cheques came through she ripped them up and threw them in the bin!

She hasn't even met Evie yet because im so scared that if i go to see her she wont know who i am, and it will really upset me.
It must be such a shame for Josh especially if he doesnt understand. i hope its just a passing phase and everything will get back to normal soon. :hug: :hug:
i dunno what to say really,
just give you some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug:

totshope, we thought it may be a UTI, she has a really swollen abdomen and they did a scan but havent told us anything yet. She also has osteoperosis (sp) and she cant walk.

She has carers coming to her home at the minute to help her with everything and my mum is there every day but the way things are going she'll probably end up in a care home :(

Im glad she got to see Ryan though when he was a few weeks old, luckily she understood then and said he's gorgeous :)
Lets hope it is just a UTI or something easy fixed. :pray: ing for you x x x x
sorry to hear this :( i lost my grandad 6 weeks ago he had parkinsons and dementia and it was so hard to see him so confused when he had been such a strong clever man, my baby boy will be named after him when he arrives (Billy) and i hope e will be as good a man as my grandad was, even when he was at his worst and we took his great,great grandbabies to see him his face lit up and he would come round slightly it was very emotional to see. I hope your nana has something like a uti and makes a good recovery but in the meantime hugs to you and your family :hug:
Kirsty i'm really sorry to hear about your nana, it's horrible when they get like that.

My gran has been like this for about the past 2 years, ever since my mum passed away to be honest, she has her good days and bad, on her bad days she still thinks my mums here and her brother and stuff and we just let her get on with thinking that as there's no point reminding her because the next day she'll know they're gone.

It is hard hun to see them like this but all you can do is try to be there for her, hard as it may be.

:hug: :hug:
My Dad had a stroke at the beginning of July. He's still in hospital now. He was getting on so well and then, out of the blue, he went totally downhill! Speech had gone again, very confused etc - anyway - it turned out that he had had another small stroke. Since then, he has picked up again and is doing very very well.

Give your Nana a few more days, she may well start recovering again. I know what it's like to see someone you love in this way. Stay strong - you may well start to see improvement again. I sincerely hope you do.

Take care flower :hug: :hug:
Moomum said:
My Dad had a stroke at the beginning of July. He's still in hospital now. He was getting on so well and then, out of the blue, he went totally downhill! Speech had gone again, very confused etc - anyway - it turned out that he had had another small stroke. Since then, he has picked up again and is doing very very well.

Give your Nana a few more days, she may well start recovering again. I know what it's like to see someone you love in this way. Stay strong - you may well start to see improvement again. I sincerely hope you do.

Take care flower :hug: :hug:

Thank you, that means a lot :hug:
Kirsty I knoe exactly how you are feeling! My Poppa had a mini stroke in feb and then a uti and he couldn't remember anything, he thought everyone was pregnant because he knew I was and was all confused, he couldn't really remember anyone when they went to see him, he seemed to have a little memory though consisting of Paul - my husband and my dogs. He would ask anyone that went to see him if my dogs were ok and if Paul was wearing his hat (he is a policeman and Poppa thought it was funny when he transferred to english police and had to wear the booby hat!) Once they established that he had a uti and treated him he regained his memory, still fuzzy sometimes but ut did come back.

I really do undertand how you are feeling though, I love my Grandparents and couldn't bear the thought of losing them, as you know my Nanna died a few weeks ago and it is hard but you cope because you have no choice. For now though, remember that she is very much here with you and even if she doesn't remember a lot just sitting with her and holding her hand may be a comfort to both of you. Maybe take a few photos in and try and jog her memory, or talk about things she likes and this may help. I spent a lot of time with my Nanna just talking about inane things but I am so pleased I did.

PM me anytime you want :hug:

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